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是的,问售货员。Yes, ask the salesperson.

售货员给他一瓶钢笔水。The gave him a bottle of ink.

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“对不起,”售货员说,“我们只赠给每个孩子一只气球,你家里有弟弟吗?”Do you have a brother at home?

那位女售货员笑脸相迎。The saleswoman smiles a welcome.

妈妈拿出十元钱给售货员。Mother gives 10 Yuan to the vendor.

售货员把他买的东西打成包裹。The sales clerk parceled his purchase.

售货员一分钱也不肯减少。The salesman won't bate a penny of it.

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使商店售货员组织工会是很困难的。It is hard to unionize shop assistants.

售货员向我们要价很低。The shop assistant has undercharged us.

售货员给他一瓶钢笔水。The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink.

做衣服的材料,布店售货员一件也没落下。The shop assistant hadn't missed a thing.

让售货员帮你解决这个问题。Ask the salesperson to help you with this.

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新来的女售货员从商店开除了。The new salesgirl was read out of the shop.

作为一名售货员,对顾客要掬诚以待。A should be sincere and polite to customers.

这家商店通常雇一些临时售货员来做圣诞节玩具生意。My house has smartened up for the Christmas.

售货员告诉他先开哪个开关。The salesman told him whicher to turn on first.

售货员从布匹上截下一大块。Tile salesman cut a large piece from the cloth.

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他的态度和蔼使他成为一个成功的售货员。His affability conduces to success as a salesman.

那个售货员说是世界名牌呢。The salesperson said it was a famous world brand.

售货员说我穿这条裙子看起来像二十岁。The seller said I look like twenty in this dress.