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疯魔现在立即生效。Madness is now immediate.

那么这疫苗是如何生效的呢?So what does the vaccine do?

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这条法律在星期二生效。The law went into effect Tuesday.

这项命令已不再生效。The order was no longer effective.

本条约须经批准方可生效。The treaty is subject to ratification.

中油的新油价已经在星期一生效。CPC's new prices took effect on Monday.

这应该触发折扣生效。This should have triggered the discount.

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协定自元月一日起生效。The agreement tooks effect as of January.

中国反垄断法于2008年正式生效。China’s antitrust law took effect in 2008.

这些措施从星期六开始生效。The measures goes into effect on Saturday.

潮汐波浪现在也能生效于潮汐激流。Tidal Waves will now also proc with Riptide.

如果这些步骤生效,恭喜您!If these steps work for you, congratulations!!

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协议有望于明年初生效。It is expected to go into effect in early 011.

条例在刊宪后即时生效。Regulations gazetted in with immediate effect.

条约还必须获得俄罗斯杜马的批准才能生效。The Russian Duma must also approve the treaty.

该条与第80条一并生效。This section has effect subject to section 80.

本合同自某年某月某日其生效。The contract is effective as of a certain date.

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我不想污蔑你的诚实。使生效,施法。I do not wish to cast aspersions on your honesty.

支票付款须待支票收讫后才生效。Payment is valid only after the cheque is cleared.

本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。Thereof contract is valid since both party signed.