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劳动就业与具体的社会环境密不可分。Obtaining employment is highly correlated with the concrete social environment.

劳动就业是我国经济社会发展过程中面临的战略性问题。Labor employment is the strategic problem which our country must face in the economic and social development.

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文章阐述了市场框架下的劳动就业体制改革的基本思路及其发展趋势。The article elaborates the basic thinking of labor employment system reform and its the development tendency.

最后是变性人劳动就业权与劳动就业歧视问题,探讨了变性人反就业歧视的对策。Lastly, it is the labor employment of Denaturalized Person, and countermeasures against employment discrimination.

最后,对于政府在船员的劳动就业中应当如何发挥作用进行了论述。At last, the role of the government should play in superintending and promoting the employment of seamen is consulted.

研究了运输业对国民生产总值增长的贡献和对劳动就业人数增长的贡献。Authors make a study on transportations contribution to gross national product growth and employment personnel growth.

企业作为吸纳劳动就业的重要力量之一,与就业歧视问题有千丝万缕的联系。As an important force of absorbing the labor force, enterprises and employment discriminations are inextricably linked.

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需要女性努力进取,提高劳动就业层次和参与竞争的能力。At last, women should keep forging ahead to improve their employment level and ability of participating in competition.

国家采取各种措施,促进劳动就业,发展职业教育,制定劳动标准。TheState shall adopt all possible measurestopromote employment, develop vocational education, formulate labour standards.

人力资源部部长尹蔚民在新闻发布会说道,中国政府十分关心劳动就业问题。China is most concerned about the growing labor unrest, the human resources minister, Yin Weimin, said at a news conference.

国家采取各种措施,促进劳动就业,发展职业教育,制定劳动标准。The State shall adopt all possible measures to promote employment, develop vocational education, formulate Labour standards.

然而,天保工程等的实施,使得我国林业产业结构和劳动就业结构均发生了很大变化。However, with the implementation of NFPP, Chinese forestry industrial structure and employment structure has greatly changed.

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这不仅不利于全球投资的发展,也不利于这些国家的劳动就业和经济复苏。It would not help the development of global investment, but hurt these countries' employment and economic recoveries, he said.

它在促进经济增长、扩大劳动就业、推动技术进步、创造社会财富等方面越来越凸显其重要性。It is more and more important in economy growth, expansion of employment, technology advancement and creation of social wealth.

发展文化产业与劳动就业可形成共栖、融合、衍生和促进的良性互动关系。The development of cultural industry and employment can form an interactive relation of coexistence, integration and promotion.

另外,本文也探讨了在京流动人口在劳动就业、社会保险、居住条件等方面面临的困境和问题。The paper also discusses difficulties and problems that the migrants face in employment, social security and living conditions.

高新技术与劳动就业是我国社会经济发展的两大战略问题。New high-technology and labor force employment are the two gravely strategic issues of social and economic development in China.

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所以,围绕如何充分实现职工劳动就业权来对劳动关系进行法律调整,便成为国有企业改制中的重点与难点。Then how to realize the work rights becomes the key point and thorny point in the process of the labour relationship readjustment.

经济增长与劳动就业有密切联系,二者相互影响,相互制约。The rate of economic growth has an intimate contact with the labour employment and the two factors affects each other with confining.

应用国际通行的相关回归分析方法,对“十五”时期上海市劳动就业容量与结构进行预测。Using international current correlation and regression analysis method, we make a project of capacity and structure of labor employment.