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停止张力纱弛缓张力。Stop tension yarn relaxation tension.

我已经失弛缓症,因为我是7岁。I have had achalasia since I was 7 years old.

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我遭受失弛缓症在过去25年。I suffered from achalasia for the last 25 years.

贲门失弛缓症通常发生在年龄25-60岁的成年人。Achalasia typically occurs in adults aged 25-60 years.

我30岁的时候,我被诊断为贲门失弛缓症。I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed with achalasia.

他们创造了长期失弛缓症,这意味着没有放松。They coined the term achalasia, meaning failure to relax.

测压评价食管贲门失弛缓症病人,在1。Manometric evaluation of the esophagus in a patient with achalasia.

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目的探讨内镜下气囊扩张治疗贲门失弛缓症的疗效。Aim To evaluate the effect of endoscopic balloon dilation for achalasia.

这包括弛缓性和遗忘的大先生的保罗吉亚玛提播放。That includes the flaccid and forgettable Mr. Big played by Paul Giamatti.

贲门失弛缓症的发病率约为每年每10万1人。The incidence of achalasia is approximately 1 per 100,000 people per year.

截至2010年4月21日,塔吉克斯坦报告了120例急性弛缓性麻痹病例。As of 21 April 2010, 120 cases of acute flaccid paralysis had been reported from Tajikistan.

塔吉克斯坦急性弛缓性麻痹监测指标符合国家认证标准。AFP surveillance indicators in Tajikistan meet certification standards at the national level.

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世卫组织敦促所有国家保持和加强急性弛缓性麻痹的监测和人群的高免疫率。WHO urges all countries to maintain and strengthen AFP surveillance and high population immunity.

我被诊断为贲门失弛缓症时,我痛苦后症状为一对夫妇年8或9岁。I was diagnosed with achalasia when I was 8 or 9 years old after suffering symptoms for a couple years.

当出血波及两侧时,出现两侧面瘫和四肢弛缓性瘫痪。Affect when haemorrhage when two side, appear two flank paralysis and limb atony the gender breaks down.

腹腔镜微创手术为贲门失弛缓症下进行了5套管使用全身麻醉。Minimally invasive surgery for achalasia is performed under general anesthesia with the use of 5 trocars.

目的探讨可回收防反流食管支架对贲门失弛缓症的治疗作用。Objective To explore the curative effects of recycled anti-reflux esophageal stents on cardiac achalasia.

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请问贲门失弛缓症,动手术的话,也就是做贲门处做扩张。Excuse me cardia is broken atony disease, if performing an operation, do cardia place to do dilate namely.

目的探讨导尿管球囊扩张治疗环咽肌失弛缓症的可行性。Objective To explore the feasibility of catheter sacculus expanding therapy for cricopharyngeal achalasia.

在这些病例之前,自1996年开始急性弛缓性麻痹监测以来在也门未发现野生脊髓灰质炎病毒。Prior to these cases, wild poliovirus has not been found in Yemen since AFP surveillance commenced in 1996.