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那时,还没有常备军。Standing armies did not then exist.

它没有常备军,没有军事资产。It has no standing army , no military assets.

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人们把庞大的常备军和什么联系在一起呢What have they identified large standing armies with?

他们废除了常备军,代之以武装起来的人民。They abolished the standing army, and instead armed the people.

我不确定联合国的各成员国家是否准备好为联合国配置常备军。I'm not sure the member states are ready to give the U.N. a standing army.

常备军由地方自卫队和后备军支持。The regular Army was supported by the Territorial Force, and by reservists.

考虑到常备军在和平时代对一个自由的国家有危险Considering standing armies as dangerous to free governments in time of peace

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在和平时期,他不得到我们立法机关的同意,就把常备军驻屯在我们各州。He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

他在和平淡期,未经我们的立法机关同意,就在我们中间维持常备军。He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the consent of our legislatures.

他在和平时期,未经我们立法机构同意,就在我们中间维持其常备军。He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislatures.

战争法是为欧洲常备军之间的冲突而设立的,并非暴动。The laws of war were designed for traditional conflicts between European standing armies, not insurgencies.

她选择了相信,盲目的相信常备军会胜利,至少也会维持现状。She chooses to believe, in an unexamined way, that the regular army will prevail, or at least maintain order.

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他们所真正担心的是大量常备军,可能最终会危及到"生而自由"的英国人的权利There is this real fear that large standing armies could ultimately compromise the rights of freeborn Englishmen.

朝鲜是世界上军事化程度最高的国家,常备军超过110万。North Korea is the world's most militarized state compared to its population with a standing army of more than 1.1 million.

厢军是宋朝的常备军,除具“役作、工徒、营缮”等职能外,还具有明确的对内镇压和对外防御的军事职能。Except the function of penal servitude, it had a clear military function to suppress the inside and guard against the outside.

我说,那么,一位君主用来保卫他政权的军队或者由他自己的常备军力组成,或者由雇佣兵团或客军组成,或是混合军队。I say, then, that the armies with which aprince defends his state are made up of his own troops, or mercenaries, or auxiliaries, or of mixed troops.

日本领先于中国在于立宪,在于常备军制,在于国民的热情,和国内政局的二十多年的稳定。China is Japan's leading constitutional, is standing army system, is the national passion, and the domestic political situation 20 years of stability.

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当然,他们的动机是解除潜民使他们在危急的常备军和慈悲越来越多的警察国家。Of course, their unspoken motive is to disarm the people, rendering them of necessity at the mercy of the standing army and increasingly, the police state.

君士坦丁七世倚重弗卡斯家族,因此尼基弗鲁斯就成了斯拉克森军区的总督将军,然后取代他的父亲巴尔达斯成了常备军总司令。Constantine VII had promoted the family of Phokas, and Nicephoros became strategos of the Thrakesion theme, and then replaced his father as domestikos of the Scholai.

中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。China adheres to the concept of people's war under modern conditions, and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense.