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他用铁笔把设计图刻在蜡纸上。He drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus.

用铁笔镌刻,用铅灌在磐石上,直存到永远。That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!

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他使用铁笔在触摸屏上进行编辑,重组语句,给某些词语做上标记。He uses a stylus pen to edit on a touch screen, rewriting sentences and highlighting words.

倘若她是个厉害苛刻的女人,她便早已用她那长于漫画的铁笔,把全郡都治得服服贴贴了。Had she been an uncharitable woman she could have ruled the county with an iron rod of caricature.

它有两个屏幕,其中一个是触摸屏,可以用手指甲点击或者用铁笔书写。It has two screens, one of which is touch-sensitive and can be tapped or written on with fingernails or a stylus.

行动在最高的荧屏上发生,而且底部被用显示仪器而且用铁笔来制造选择。Action takes place on the top screen, and the bottom is used to display equipment and make selections with the stylus.

但是当他们开始的时候,这些人开始了解到'伴侣动物'和一个铁笔和谈话的他们的小狗对他们经过喇叭筒。But these people began to understand when they started to 'pet' their puppies with a stylus and talk to them through the microphone.

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在与此故事类似的一个版本中,拉比暴怒之下,将那人扑倒在地,并用铁笔在他鼻子上刻了路得的故事。In a similar version of this tale, the Rabbi leaps on top of the man in a frenzy and carves the story of Ruth on his nose with a stylus.

控制你的游戏使用的是选择直观五年方式控制器或铁笔找到一个隐藏的各种文物的沉船。Control your game using a choice of the intuitive five-way controller or the stylus to find a variety of artifacts hidden within the sunken ship.

犹大的罪是用铁笔记录下来的,用钻石尖刻在他们的心坎上和他们的祭坛角上。The sin of Juda is written with a pen of iron, with the point of a diamond, it is graven upon the table of their heart, upon the horns of their altars.

这种电脑通常与笔记本电脑很相像,它们被认为操作起来更自然,使用者用自己的手指或一支铁笔就能控制电脑的触摸屏。The gadgets, which typically resemble a laptop, were supposed to make computing more natural with a touch-screen that can be controlled with a stylus or finger.

当然,一旦在老鼠或铁笔上你最后得到一个柄,你需要学习复杂的工具的种种因此在3D你能实际上完成一些东西。Of course, once you finally get a handle on the mouse or stylus , you need to learn a myriad of complicated tools so you can actually accomplish something in 3D.

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运动学铁笔与SH80改变允许重复重新手写笔的位置,优化了每个功能铁笔安排,克服了重新认证的需要。Kinematic stylus changing with SH80 allows for repeatable re-location of the stylus, optimises stylus arrangements for each feature, and overcomes the need for re-qualification.