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坏消息是我们得迫降了。The bad news is we're crash-landing.

第四架飞机在一艘荷兰拖网渔船旁迫降。He and i were shipmates on a trawler once.

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水面迫降和滑行着陆又有不同。Ditching is different from landing a glider.

救救我,我迫降在一个陌生星球上。Help me. I’ve crash-landed on an alien planet.

首先,确认你是否迫降在地球上。First, ensure that you have not crash landed on Earth.

飞行员使飞机在水上迫降并爬出飞机乘上充气救生筏。The pilot ditched the plane and climbed out on his raft.

航班因为误闯而被迫降俄罗斯。The flight was forced to land in Russia due to mis-entry.

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夜间迫降时,救生衣上的指示灯遇水会自动发亮。For ditching at night, a sea-light will be illuminated automatically.

飞机紧急迫降时请把高跟鞋脱掉。Please take off your high-heel shoes in an event of emergency landing.

飞机在海上迫降后,乘客奋力朝海滩游去。The passengers swam for the shore when their aeroplane landed in the sea.

大雾使得波多黎各飞纽约的航班迫降华盛顿。Fog forced our Puerto Rico-to-New York plane to be diverted to Washington, D.C.

当晚迫降天津后,乘客被分批乘客车送到北京。Following a forced landing in Tianjin, passengers were ferried to Beijing by bus.

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复兴航空公司一架航班在台湾澎湖县的一个村庄附近迫降。TransAsia Airways flight has crash-landed near a village in Taiwan's Penghu county.

他试图了解自己过去哪些经验使得他为成功迫降1549次航班做好了准备。He has tried to understand what experiences from his past prepared him for Flight 1549.

在他还是个小男孩的时候,这几名美国军人的飞机迫降在他父母的农场上。When he was a boy, these men crashed their military plane on his parents’ farm in England.

希斯罗机场的发言人表示这个航班在格林尼治时间中午12点42分实施了一个紧急迫降。A spokesman for Heathrow said the flight had carried out an emergency landing at 12.42pm GMT.

60年前,在固执地寻找鲁恩石源头时,他迫降于鲁恩。He had crashed on Roon 60 years earlier, on a obsessive search for the source of the Roonstones.

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如果当飞机迫降后一片黑暗并且充满了烟雾,你能够数着并摸索去出口的路。If the plane is dark and smoky after a crash landing, you can count and feel your way to the exit.

美国军方官员们说,他们不知道有美国任何战机被迫降在伊朗境内。U. S. military officials say they are not aware of any U. S. warplane being forced to land in Iran.

埃及官员表示,周二早上一架埃及航空公司的飞机被劫持,紧急迫降塞浦路斯。An EgyptAir plane was hijacked Tuesday morning and forced to land in Cyprus, Egyptian officials said.