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雨水径流?Storm-water runoff?

地表径流汇集的地区。Areas where surface runoff is directed.

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在地下水强径流带,塌陷分布较为密集。Collapse distribution centres on the intensive runoff zones.

成排根部壅土的树,像挡水坝一样改变了地面径流过程。The runoff process on hillside is affected by hedgerow network.

径流系数较小的流域,其变化幅度反而大。The smaller the runoff coefficient is, the larger the runoff vary.

基于DEM构建数字流域水文模型,在此基础上,利用新安江模型作径流计算。Digital basin model is established on the basis of raster DEM data.

降雨和径流为三亚湾海域水质参数变化的控制因子。The major control factor of water quality is precipitation and runoff.

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地表径流对水质的酸化有缓冲作用。The runoff has the catabatic effect to acidification of water quality.

采用降水指标、径流指标、受旱率进行干旱程度分析。The drought degree is analyzed by precipitation target and drought rate.

因此,珠海城区暴雨径流对水环境的威胁较大。Consequently, urban storm runoff has a large impact on the water environment.

年降水量对年径流系数的影响极显著。Annual precipitation had significant effects on the annual runoff coefficient.

把自回归模型用于月径流过程概率预报中。The autoregressive model is applied to the monthly runoff probability forecast.

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降雨径流是形成非点源污染的主要影响因素。Rainfall runoff is the main factor affecting the formation of nonpoint pollution.

不透水面的增加,地表降雨-径流关系也随之发生改变。Acompanied with the impervious surface increase, rainfall and run-off also changed.

沟头防护措施可以减少沟道径流,有效抑制沟道土壤侵蚀。Gully head protection measure can well protect gully head and control gully erosion.

在单元和层划分的基础上,模拟各单元的截留、下渗和径流形成过程。Interception, infiltration and formation of runoffs are then simulated for each cell.

农药化合物随地表径流迁移的损失量与降雨量和降雨间隔期有关。The amount of pesticide migrate was mainly influenced by the rainfall and its interval.

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人们还可以在封闭的灌溉系统中循环用水以减少用水量、避免径流造成土肥流失。You’d reduce water use and end runoff by recycling water in a closed irrigation system.

坡耕地由于人为耕作管理作用,造成地表高低起伏,影响著坡面地表径流和产沙。Cultivation of slope farmland influences surface runoff and sediment movement on slopes.

土壤侵蚀所形成的坡面径流是水沙液固两相流。The slope runoff formed by soil erosion is two-phase flow constituted by water and sand.