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胫骨、腓骨和大腿骨在哪儿?Where are your tibia, fibula, and femur?

左侧胫骨未作手术为正常对照。Left tibiae remained untreated as control.

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股骨头下方胫骨骨折的恢复?Is femur head lower part tibial of fracture restore?

胫骨的假体周围骨折不常见。Tibial periprosthetic fractures are far less common.

足三里穴,位于外膝眼下4横指、胫骨边缘。Foot 3 miles, located outside the knees at 4, tibia edge.

如果你感到胫骨非常疼痛,去让医生拍X光片。If you have extreme shin pain, see a doctor for an x-ray.

注意肥厚、结实的胫骨成角部分未受损坏。Note that thick, strong angles of tibia are not violated.

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结论卵巢切除后,胫骨骨折愈合缓慢。Conclusion Tibia fracture healing delays after ovariectomy.

确保每个胫骨和它的对应的脚跟是平衡的。Make sure each shinbone is exactly balancing over its heel.

小腿胫骨和双脚向地面压。胸腔向上提。Press your shins and feet into the floor. Lift your chest up.

以俯卧撑姿势开始,使小腿胫骨位于平衡球上。Start in pushup position, but with your shins on a Swiss ball.

髋关节,转子,股骨,髌骨,胫骨,蹠骨和跗关节。Coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus.

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还有一颗子弹打碎了他左胫骨。He was also struck by a bullet that shattered his left shinbone.

采用316-L不锈钢接骨板在左胫骨作不截骨内固定。The intact left tibiae were fixed by 316L stainless steel plate.

承载件通常在股骨和胫骨部件之间。Bearings are typically between the femoral and tibial components.

图2左胫骨中部长斜形骨折、加2枚阻钉。Fig 2. Middle long oblique fracture of tibia, two blocking screws.

小腿胫骨骨折,拆除石膏后能弯曲吗?。Crus is tibial fracture, can after removing plaster stone, you bend?

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矫正切骨术-肱骨,尺骨,桡骨,股骨,胫骨或腓骨。Corrective osteotomy of humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula.

它的胫骨很结实,而它的腓骨则要比大部分的爬行动物更加弯曲。Its tibias were stouter and fibulas more bent than those of most reptiles.

更显眼的耐久钢板保护着他的肩膀、上身、胫骨。More visible durasteel plates covered his shoulders, upper body and shins.