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她和她丈夫闹翻了。She is out with her husband.

他们一会儿和好,一会儿闹翻,一天有上十次。They fall in and out ten times a day.

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6月1日晚上,全都闹翻了天。On the night of June 1, all hell broke loose.

他和父亲闹翻了,成了一名游子。He fell out with his father and became a wanderer.

那次争吵后,他与表兄闹翻了。He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.

他们闹翻,舒展身躯晒太阳,他们斗嘴。They split up, spread out, sunned themselves, bickered.

你的专栏文章一发表,我们这里就闹翻了天。All hell broke out around here when your column appeared.

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但两人于1455年闹翻,福斯特控告了古滕伯格。But the two men fell out in 1455, and Fust sued Gutenberg.

但是一年前闹翻了,从此他再也没有理过我。But we broke up a year ago. He hasn't spoken to me since then.

你的专栏文章出来后,我们家里闹翻了天!All hell broke out around my family, when your column appeared.

开始时,孩子们在周末把家里闹翻了天。For a start, by the end of the week the children are imploding.

让人吃惊的是跟他工作过的所有人都跟他闹翻了。Amazingly, just about everyone he works with falls out with him.

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如果刚才你和另一半或是和家人为了芝麻绿豆的事闹翻了。If you and your partner or your families fall out over the bagatelles.

此前亚玛迪耶夫已经与车臣总统卡德罗夫闹翻。Mr Yamadayev had fallen out with Chechnya's president, Ramzan Kadyrov.

这下可乱套了,首先是女儿回家“闹翻了天”。Then might mess up, first was the daughter goes home "to raise a rumpus ".

我们几乎闹翻,就因为在贾宝玉是否伤害了林黛玉的问题上达不成共识。lmost br oke off because we could not agree on whether Jia BaoYu hurt Lin Dai Yu?

那对夫妻最近为了究竟该去哪里渡假而闹翻了。The couple recently had a falling-out over where they should go on their vacation.

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老师出去了几分钟,那些孩子们在教室里闹翻了天。真是“大王。When the teacher left for a few minutes, the children nearly wrecked the classroom.

当史蒂夫和他的朋友闹翻,最终在他的汽车里安家之后,这对夫妇的问题才得以解决。The plan unravelled when Steve fell out with his friend and ended up sleeping in his car.

我敢保证他们要不了多久就会为母亲留下的那笔钱闹翻的。It won't be long before they are falling out over that money their mother left them, or I'm a Dutchman.