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小鸟吱吱喳喳地叫着。The birds are chirping.

女孩喳喳地叫起来,“有一个间谍来买我的土豆了。I've a spy buying my tomatoes!

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喜鹊整天在喳喳叫。The magpies call all day long.

要是那只吵死人的鸟没喳喳叫就好了。I wish that noisy bird hadn't chirped.

听那些猴子在吱吱喳喳地叫。Listen to the jabber of those monkeys.

麻雀在吱吱喳喳地叫着,空气中飘荡着欢歌笑语。There were laughter and song in the air.

“我用翅膀唱歌,”蟋蟀吱吱喳喳。"I sing with my wing, " chirped the cricket.

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麻雀在后院里吱吱喳喳的叫。The sparrows were chattering in the backyard.

她在妈妈耳边喳喳了两句。She whispered a few words in her mother's ear.

那些猴子在树丛中吱吱喳喳的叫。Those monkeys were chattering away in the bushes.

鸟轻快地吱吱喳喳叫着,在空中飞来飞去。The birds were flying about and twittering with delight.

站在身后的人们一直吱吱喳喳个没完。Those standing behind whispered and chattered all the time.

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冰爽摩摩喳喳,芋头,红薯,豆,西米和冷椰奶。Boiled taro, sweet potato, beans, sago in cold coconut milk.

“亲爱的,”她喳喳地说道,“我想是时候告诉他他是被收养的了。”"Dear," she chirped, "I think it's time to tell him he's adopted.

麻雀在吱吱喳喳地叫着,空气中飘荡着欢歌笑语。Sparrows were twittering. There were laughter and song in the air.

我喜欢抬头看蓝天,听小鸟喳喳叫,然后会心一笑。I like to look up at the blue sky, see the birds chirping, and smile.

某天,我还在暖暖的被窝的时候,被一阵吱吱喳喳的声音吵醒。One day, I was still a time when the warm blanket, was awakened by the sound burst jabber.

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众多食客来喳喳大排档是为了宵夜,这个最大的夜市排档,开设在英国的布里斯托。Diners on a test night in Za Za Bazaar, the largest restaurant in the UK, which will open in Bristol

欢迎来到喳喳大排档,这个馆子是如此之大——以至于需要向各位提供地图以防迷路。Welcome to Za Za Bazaar, a restaurant so big that a map is provided in case baffled guests lose their bearings.

那衣柜底肯定是养着一群老鼠,在吱吱喳喳地吃着L摆在桌下的板栗。That closet is certainly at the end of Pan raises a group of rats ate in the jabber L placed under the table in chestnut.