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去滑雪橇。Go sledding.

我是滑雪橇所需的雪。I am snow for sledding.

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列车长帮助我上雪橇。The guard helped me up.

她被雪橇绊了一跤。She tumbled over a sled.

“只马无蓬”的雪橇。In a one-horse open sleigh.

而那个玫瑰花蕾也只是个雪橇。And Rosebud was just a sled.

我们乘雪橇滑雪。We went sledging in the snow.

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他有雪橇还有驯鹿。He has a sleigh and reindeers.

图中是克里斯蒂•巴林顿和她的雪橇队。Kristy Berington and her team.

然后带上几只雪橇犬,便拉着他出发了。He took sleds and dogs with him.

坐在单马雪橇上!嘿!In a one-horse open sleigh! Hey!

在一匹马拉的无蓬雪橇中!嘿!In a one-horse open sleigh! hey!

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我的叔叔,鲍勃,是一个狗雪橇比赛者。My uncle, Bob, is a dogsled racer.

一队的雪橇和拖车。The chain of sledges and tractors.

雪橇沿著山坡向下滑行。The sledge coasted down the slope.

拴上雪橇扬起鞭,啊!Ties up the sled to raise the whip!

当我还是小孩时,我就爱上了玩雪橇。When I was a kid, I LOVED sledding.

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他的狗帮助他乘坐狗雪橇赛跑。His dogs help him race in a dogsled.

如果我们要组建一支雪橇队。If we're going to be a dogsled team.

比利时的山姆•德尔图尔和他的雪橇队Sam Deltour of Belgium and his team.