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可能只是有人做的,觉得好玩儿而已。Maybe someone did it just for fun!

我听说这儿有很多好玩儿的东西。I heard there are many fun things here.

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极品飞车,这是个很好玩儿的电脑游戏。"The rush" is a very interesting computer game.

是的。你有什么好玩儿的可推荐吗?Yes. Can you recommend something interesting to do?

下面是一些智能家居能办到的好玩儿的事儿Here are a few more examples of cool smart home tricks

我不在乎!可能只是有人做的,觉得好玩儿而已。放松点儿,卡尔。I don't care! Maybe someone did it just for fun! Relax, Carl!

当然也要努力增加一些有趣的项目例如出去走走或是找个好玩儿地方吃午饭。Try to add in incentives like a trip to a fun place for lunch.

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相信我们大家肯定能想出一些很棒并富有创意的好玩儿的名字。I am sure we can come up with some awesome, creative &funny names.

写这部书,你是希望获取一些利润,还是主要为了好玩儿?Are you expecting to make money from this book, or is it mostly for fun?

告诉我一些我能用得上的,或者是我所感兴趣的,再或者一些好玩儿的东西。Tell me something I can use, something I’m interested in, or something that amuses me.

上一年级的时候,我头一次看见别人舔嘴唇,觉着很好玩儿,以前从来没见过,也许是没注意过。I was in first grade when I first saw someone licking their lips. It was very interesting.

今天我玩了好多好玩儿的。我们的校外活动是去麦当劳,我吃了冰激凌和炸薯条。Today I had lots of fun. our field trip today is Mcdonald's I ate ice cream and french fris.

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彼尔顿先生几乎使之听起来像是某种好玩儿的天气机器玩具。Mr. Bearden almost makes it sound like some kind of weather machine toy that's fun to operate.

另一些客户,如埃里克·贝戈欧和他13岁的女儿卡米,只是为了好玩儿。Other clients, such as Eric Beghou and his 13-year-old daughter Cami, just want to have a bit of fun.

在我第一次吃猕猴桃时真好玩儿,现在想起来还让我回味无穷。In the first time I really amusing when eating kiwifruit, and now would like to also let me memorable.

另一些客户,如埃里克·贝戈欧和他13岁的女儿卡米,只是为了好玩儿。Other clients, such as Eric Beghou and his 13-year-old daughter Cami , just want to have a bit of fun.

儿童书非常有趣,尤其是当你和你的孩子分享一些好玩儿的事情的时候。Kids books are really cool, and it’s great when you can share something this wonderful with your child.

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Foursquare可能很好玩儿,但Yelp仍是寻找餐馆、酒吧的最佳去处。Foursquare may be fun, he says, but Yelp remains the best place to find good restaurants and bars to patronize.

你觉得好玩儿?如果我告诉你有些人渣正在把这些个东西卖给孩子,你可能会改变看法吧。You think they are funny. You might want to take it back if I tell you some scums are selling them to children.

你也可以做其他的事情,我想我讲得很快,实际上,这个也很好玩儿,让我们试试。You can do other things too, and I know I'm flying through these oh, actually, this guy is kinda funny. Let's play this.