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但爸爸们就另当别论了。But then, there`s dad.

但是,家庭却另当别论。But families are another matter.

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可是,对于泰勒·摩森就另当别论了。But Taylor Momsen is not one of them.

当然,如果威胁到你的利益,就得另当别论。Unless, of course, you have an interest at stake.

而你是否值得他们的牺牲就另当别论了。Whether you deserve their sacrifice is another matter.

现在没事了——不过在歌剧院里这样炫耀她却另当别论。That's all right--but this parading her at the Opera's another thing.

但作者若是里克·珀尔斯坦,那则另当别论。The answer is that, if Rick Perlstein is the author, then there is certainly room.

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但如果一个男人跟另一个女人有情感上的联系,这又另当别论了。But it's a different story if a guy has an emotional connection with another woman.

只是已婚男子还蠢蠢欲动,或强占强霸就另当别论了。Just married man still eager for action, or strong had strong to be another matter.

但是如果学有难度的东西,比如一门语言,就另当别论了。But if you take up something difficult, like learning a language, it's a different story.

至于他的观点到底准不准确另当别论,不过,现在的消费者都有自己的小算盘可是真的。As for his views to say whether it, but now consumers have their own small abacus but true.

他们是否能够保持状态向冠军发起冲击则另当别论。Whether they can sustain their form to mount a title challenge, though, is a different matter.

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主公可不乐意看到尸体,他自己杀死的人则另当别论了。The Tetrarch does not care to see dead bodies save the bodies of those who he himself has slain.

最终能不能找到比莴苣汁和白酒更有效的治疗方法,那就另当别论了。Whether that results in treatments more effective than lettuce juice and wine is another matter.

当然,如果你在游戏里使用了作弊密码而得到了无限的资金并避免了所有的税收,那就另当别论了。That is, of course, if you didn't use the cheat codes to get unlimited money and avoid taxes altogether.

这本书对那些开明的父母会有所帮助,但对保守的和心智闭塞的父母则另当别论。It will help those people who have open-minded parents, but it won't help if they are conservative and closed-minded.

但是,如果你有一个数据仓库或者事务需要处理大量数据,那么就另当别论了。However if you have a data warehouse or your transactions need to handle a lot of data, you need to think differently.

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不管他们是否按照这些见解去行动或者最终改变一些行为,那完全另当别论。Whether they act on any of these insights, or change any of their behaviors as a result, is another question entirely.

在赌场里玩双骰子游戏有时还是胜算满大的,当然你有本事算牌则另当别论了。Certain bets on the craps table have some of the best odds in a casino, unless you're going to do real work like counting cards.

当面对剑齿虎时或许很受用,但对于演讲,或在商务会议时,面对一群不友善的人士时,就另当别论。This is great for facing saber-toothed tigers but not so great for giving a speech or confronting a hostile group in a business meeting.