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哪怕一周。One week.

哪怕这会儿喝醉了。Even now, drunk.

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哪怕是一声耳语,一个念想。Not a whisper, not a thought.

哪怕是为了满足穷人的需要。To meet the needs of the poor.

你能哪怕就听进我说的一个字吗?Can you even hear a word I say?

我还没说出哪怕一半我所看到的。I have not told half what I saw.

哪怕心有戚戚,亦是好。Even with sorrow, it's still good.

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想和你在一起,哪怕是打打闹闹。And you want together , even ruckus.

哪怕曼哈顿只有点雪泥也好。I'd even settle for Manhattan slush.

哪怕只能够这样的想你。Eventhough I just can think about you.

哪怕夜晚再暗,暗得我都看不见Let the night be too dark for me to see

哪些人不值一提,哪怕是一句讪笑。Who is not worth the notice of a sneer.

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去找,哪怕倾尽所有,海角天涯。To find, even the best of all, the cape.

你可愿为我停留,哪怕只是片刻?Could you stay for me, even just a moment?

哪怕就多那么一秒钟就够了。Even on the multi-then a second is enough.

哪怕在内心深处我们清楚这不可能。Even when deep inside we know it can t be.

哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!Even with bloody bayonet piercing my heart

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我们不需要再砍倒哪怕一棵树。We do not have to cut down one single tree.

哪怕在我的梦里,你都要离我远去。Even in my dream , you would leave me alone.

就算门柱偏了哪怕是那么一点点。If the goalpost is tilted just a little bit.