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这次乘车声势浩大,是历史性的,而且异常沉稳。The ride was momentous, historical, and calm.

这件丑闻终止了他那声势浩大的竞选运动。The scandal shut off his high-powered election campaign.

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虽然存在这些障碍,一个声势浩大的妇女联络网蓬勃兴起。Despite these obstacles, a strong women's network sprang up.

7月2日美国海军陆战队在赫尔曼德省已展开声势浩大的行动。America’s marines launched a big operation in Helmand on July 2nd.

我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势,旨在推销新型牙膏。We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.

为什么中国人对黄帝声势浩大的祭典历久不衰?Why do Chinese people hold memorial ceremonies for them every year?

声势浩大的山西煤矿兼并重组运动迈出实质一步。Shanxi coal mine massive mergers and acquisitions in real terms in step by step movement.

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于是,针对此中国政府发动了一场声势浩大的严打,自那以后那个地方就再也无人踏足了。The Chinese launched a huge crackdown on visitors, and the place has been deserted ever since.

这一丑闻一经曝光,立即掀起了印度舆论一场声势浩大的反腐浪潮。Upon exposure of the scandal, immediately set off a massive anti-India wave of public opinion.

在任性与不知所谓的行走里肆意的妄为,奔赴一场声势浩大的未知。In capricious and do not know the so-called walking in the daydream wanton toured a vocal unknown.

但是尼泊尔人民反对复辟,一年后,又一场声势浩大的民众运动将国王再次推翻,尼泊尔变成了共和国。Yet Nepalis resisted and another popular movement a year later toppled him, and Nepal became a republic.

尽管声势浩大的宣传运动宣传的是另外一种情况,但是镇压塔利班的行动一直是失败的。Despite a heavy propaganda campaign to suggest otherwise, the subjugation of the Taliban has been a failure.

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虽然声势浩大,但在中国做生意的困难正清楚地呈现在这家汽车业巨头眼前。But even amid the pageantry, the difficulties of doing business in China are coming into focus for the car giant.

这真是个遥远的故事。只看眼下,西北这支曾经声势浩大的掘金,已经失去了他们的闪闪金光。This is a long story. Just look at the moment, Northwest had this massive Nuggets have lost their shining golden light.

游行队伍人数过万,沿途汽车长鸣呼应。经过建筑设计院,声势浩大!There's more than 10,000 people now, cars passing by are hollering. Passing the architecture institute, it's massive now!

在美国,总统当选人奥巴马周五许诺开始声势浩大的大公共项目工程在这十年。In the United States, President-elect Barack Obama pledged Friday to roll out the biggest public works program in decades.

上个世纪中叶,首先发端于哲学界开始了一场声势浩大的后现代主义思潮。In the middle of last century, starting in the philosophy field , a vigorous post-modernism ideological trend overwhelmed.

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1997年,国家禁毒委员会统一部署在全国开展了声势浩大的禁毒专项斗争,取得重大战果。In 1997, according to a unified deployment the NNCC launched a momentous anti-drug campaign nationwide, with great success.

1970年4月22日,为了唤起社会对环境保护问题的关注,上百万的美国民众参加了声势浩大的运动。On April twenty-second, nineteen seventy, millions of Americans took part in activities to bring attention to the environment.

它导致了“开放数据”运动的出现,这场运动声势浩大,连政治家和政府官员都是其倡导者。It has led to the emergence of the ‘open data’ movement, whose powerful advocates include politicians and government officials.