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本文分析了海气热力遥相关联系。In this paper, air-sea thermal teleconnection is analyzed.

苍茫海气连云动,石上游人别有情。Lianyun vast sea air moving upstream were not sentient rock.

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整体传输公式是一种常用的计算洋面海气通量的方法。The bulk transfer formula is often used to calculate the air-sea exchanges.

用数值方法对热带海气耦合波进行了研究。By the numerical method, the tropical air-sea interaction waves are studied.

MJO的强度变化、季节特征、传播速度等的精确描述只能借助于海气辐合模式。An accurate representing to MJO can only be available by the using of coupled model.

在海气耦合的过程中,海表风场的改变起了主导作用。During the ocean-atmosphere coupling, the change of surface wind perform the key action.

海气界面大气湍流通量监测对研究海气交换意义重大。Air-sea turbulence Flux Observing is of great importance to the study of air-sea exchange.

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这为以后发展区域海气耦合模式奠定了基础。Those are the foundations of developing a coupled regional ocean atmospheric model system.

利用一个海气耦合环流模式的ENSO预测。Predictions of ENSO are described by using a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model.

另外,风速在南海海气非线性相互作用中起着重要作用。Thus, w is a very important physical factor in the nonlinear interaction of the South China Sea.

在无异常外强迫的情况下,将混合海气耦合模式进行了45年的模拟积分。A hybrid coupled ocean-atmosphere model is developed, with which a 45-year simulation is performed.

海气耦合模式是研究气候以及气候变化的必不可少的工具。The coupled air-sea climate model is essential for the research on climate and climate variability.

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现存的海气交换的计算公式多是一些半经验半理论的公式。The present results are compared with that obtained by using the approximate formula of Kondo et al.

讨论简单热带海气耦合模式中的低频海洋扰动。In this paper, low frequency tropical disturbances in a simple air sea coupled model are investigated.

副高的这些特点除了气候背景的影响外,主要与海气相互作用有关。Such characteristics associate with the ocean-atmosphere interaction besides the climatic backgrounds.

在年代际时间尺度下,热带太平洋、印度洋海气系统的变异含有两个基本模态。On decadal time scale, there are two basic modes of air-sea system over the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean.

同时,还可影响局地的海气相互作用直至区域气候的变化。At the same time, the circulation can also affect local air-sea interaction or even the regional climate changes.

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中尺度海气相互作用的天气现象如台风、入海气旋等在该区域活动频繁。The mesoscale air-sea interaction weather phenomenon such as typhoon, passing cyclone happens frequently on this area.

NEP区和NWP区夏季的海气温差、感热通量、潜热通量有明显的差异。There are distinct differences of air-sea temperature difference, latent heat and sensible heat flux between NEP and NWP.

进而概括出冷高压强度与海气系统变化的相互关系。The paper ends up with a summary on the intercoordination between the cold high intensity and air-sea interaction variations.