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他的薪金增加了。His salary has increased.

他们为增加薪金而罢工。They struck for more pay.

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他的薪金收入每年达五千英镑。His earnings come to £5,000 a year.

干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工。Typing at that salary is slave labour.

她每星期六都存储她的薪金支票。She deposited her paycheck every Saturday.

老板要从她的薪金中拿走回扣。The boss demanded a kickback on her wages.

他一年的薪金达到五位数。His yearly salary reachs five-digit number.

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与此同时,他的薪金也回升至两千万。It also brought his salary back up 20million.

教师和牧师常轮流到各家食宿作为薪金的一部分。The teachers and ministers used to board around.

他一年的薪金达到五位数。he earns the five-digit number salary everyyear.

查利为约翰的薪金问题和经理谈过。Charley spoke to the manager about John's salary.

他总是把一半薪金存入银行。He always deposits half of his salary in the bank.

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薪金已由工薪出纳员办公室发放。Salaries were disbursed by the paymaster's office.

只有全日制研究生才有资格获得助教薪金。Only full-time graduate are eligible for interships.

他们对不能得到较高薪金而感到不满足。They were dissatisfied at not getting a better salary.

他不愿拿这么少的薪金来担任这项职务。He would not accept this office for such a small salary.

他们不仅年轻优秀,而且在合同初期,薪金还很低。They are not only all young and good, but also underpaid.

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她每月把一部分薪金用于储蓄。She applied a portion of her salary each month to savings.

他们提供的薪金比起经济特区当地的企业要优厚得多吗?Do they offer better salaries than do SEZ's local companies?

他替邻近的人家打打杂,以弥补薪金的不足。He eked out his salary by doing odd jobs in the neighbourhood.