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前不久,于一个令人心醉的美梦。Not long ago, in a charming dream.

这美妙的音乐使我心醉。I was enchanted with the sweet music.

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得到这个引人入胜的顶部心醉。Get enchanted by this spellbinding top.

胡萝卜比大棒更令人心醉。Carrots are more corrupting than sticks.

江湾田园心醉。Jiangwan fields and gardens are charming.

她心醉了,为这头傲气的黄色公牛而倾心。She fell in love with him, to the yellow bull.

你的堤岸与青翠的河谷是多么令人心醉。How pleasant thy banks and green valleys below.

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也是那样另人心醉,彻夜无眠。Do other people feel fascinated, sleepless night.

迷恋你的优雅,每一次微笑都令人心醉。Infatuated with your grace, every smile is glorious.

她只知道卡巴顿对她的欲望,这使她喜悦得心醉。All she knew was a thrill of ecstasy that Cal Barton desired her!

笑容淌于柠檬汁之间,又滑又软,令人心醉。Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. How I was? amazed.

虽然花已拿走,但其余香袅绕,让人心醉。Even when those flowers were taken away, the smell lingered about most pleasantly.

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良辰佳夜,花好月圆,柔和的琴音、甜美的旋律,令人心醉!Auspicious day good night, happy married life, gentle piano music, delightful melody, elated !

巧克力粒、葡萄干和夏威夷果,令人心醉。A perfect trio – Chocolate chip, raisin and macadamia, The core of the cookie melts with your heart.

两个女人的苦难与爱恨,让人心碎却也心醉。The affliction of two women and love are hated, heartbreak letting a person however also be charmed.

到处有微笑着挥手致意的人,如果有一个国度能让你心醉,那一定就是这里了。And always the waving and the smiling. Surely, if there was a country to steal your heart, this was it.

北京的秋天静谧金黄,树梢挂的柿子像一个个灯笼,让他心醉。A Beijing autumn, calm and golden, with persimmons hanging like lanterns in the trees, would enchant him.

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简而言之,哈特维克是一个美得让人心醉神驰的地方,为了避免自己过度分心,我按下决心,必须使自己不被美诱惑。In short, Hattervik is an easy place for a photographer to get distracted, and I vowed to avoid the trap.

数千年的历史征程中,他们所有伟大的脚步,所有心醉的故事,都伴有冲天之火,喧阗之鼓。In the long history, all the great steps they take and stories they have are accompanied by fire and drum.

静静坐在电脑前,无意间播放了那年那首曾令我心醉神往的歌。Sitting in front of the computer quietly, accidently I played the song which has ever enchanted me that year.