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他们的养老金随物价指数浮动。Their pensions are index-linked.

养老金缺口总额近9700亿美元。It totals nearly 97 billion dollars.

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营业费用支付养老金。Business expenses for payment of pensions.

临时工作对成年人也是一种灾难,多少人有工作和养老金?Casualisation is a disaster for adults too.

下个月将提高我们的养老金标准。Our old-age pension will be uprated next month.

到2028年,国家规定领取养老金的年龄将提高到67岁。The state pension age is to rise to 67 by 2028.

你的服务年限使你有资格领取养老金。Your years of service entitle you to a pension.

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领取养老金的人应免除征税。Old age pensioners should be exempt from taxation.

你提出的最后一点是必须要有养老金。Last point you made was -- had to do with pensions.

官员养老金空账拿什么来填?Pension officials to fill empty account what means?

领养老金,有免税额,通下水道。Indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters.

该公司职员50岁时领养老金退休。Workers in the company are being pensioned off at 50.

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当你赤裸身裸体时,也许就会忘记失业、减薪和养老金帐户缩水了,至少天体旅游促销员是这么告诉你的。At least that's how the promoters of nude travel see it.

“追寻你的热情吧,别光想着养老金。”——丹尼斯·怀特尼。"Chase your passion, not your pension. " – Denis Waitley.

目前,各州的养老金都存在系统性缺口。The states are systematically underfunding their pensions.

他领了一笔养老金后就退休了,他的职位由一位年轻人来顶替。He was pensioned off and his job was given to a younger man.

这种变化对养老金领取者和非纳税人的影响更大。The change had bigger effects on pensions and non-taxpayers.

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里约州的雇员和退休人员被拖欠了工资和养老金。Rio state employees and pensioners are owed wages in arrears.

银行开始炒热科技“新事物”市场,然后将养老金的资金投入其中。Banks make a market in the New Thing, investing pension money.

迄今为止,全世界的大部分人口没有养老金保障。For now, most of the world's population has no pension provision.