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他们负担重税。They were burdened with heavy taxation.

人民在重税下痛苦呻吟。The people groan under the burden of taxes.

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我们应该向富人征重税。We should levy a heavy tax on the wealthy men.

政府对奢侈品课以重税。The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods.

英国政府对烟草和含酒精的饮料课以重税。The British government taxes tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.

英国政府对烟草和含酒精的饮料课以重税。The British government tax es tobacco and alcoholic drinks heavily.

对那些高热量、低营养的食物和含糖的饮料课以重税Tax high-calorie, low-nutrient food items and beverages sweetened with sugar.

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欧洲其他一些领导人同样表达了对分红收重税的支持。Other European leaders have also expressed support for taxing bonuses heavily.

长期以来,中国政府在烟草税收政策上一直奉行“寓禁于征”的重税政策。Chinese government has adopting prohibitive tax on tobacco industry for a long time.

但,正如这个比例中还有其他的一份,经验也表明,重税也应该是减赤组合拳之一。But, as that ratio implies, experience also argues that higher taxes should be part of the mix.

一些国家对烟草产品增加了重税,还有一些国家组织了禁烟运动。Some have imposed heavy taxes on tabacco products, others have conducted anti-smoking campaigns.

不过,讽刺的是,要实现这个目标,他又不免希望政府“对碳排放课以重税,并削减工资税。”But to accomplish that, he wants governments to “enact a heavy carbon tax, and cut payroll taxes.”

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香港和澳门吸引了大批为规避内地重税而来的大陆消费者。Hong Kong and Macau serve as magnets for mainland-Chinese consumers seeking to avoid double-digit duties at home.

为了满足欧洲规定的目标,对垃圾填埋课以重税。Trying to meet a target set by one of those European directives, it discourages landfilling by taxing it heavily.

如果人民币拒绝升值,主要的总统候选人都将支持向从中国进口的货物课以重税。Major presidential candidates have advocated heavy tariffs on imports from China if it fails to appreciate its currency.

但是,外汇交易通常依赖于高保证金,或风险巨大的杠杆,而且收益还要课以重税。But foreign-exchange trading usually relies on high margin, or leverage, which is risky, and gains are taxed at hefty rates.

他表示,例如,欧洲的汽油价格高企是因为政府对那里的消费者征收重税。For example, he says, the high cost of gasoline in Europe is due to the hefty tax imposed by governments on consumers there.

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日本修改税法也鼓励了企业将海外利润汇回国内,因为不这样做将会被课以重税。And a law change in Japan has encouraged corporations to repatriate profits earned abroad without getting hit by a hefty tax.

当他们到达沙漠边缘时,在一个关卡被收了一次重税,运输队都指望着汉西能出钱。When they reached the edge of the desert, they were taxed seriously by a checkpoint, and the transporters all turned to Hency.

他认为政府故意引起人们对无政府主义的恐惧,不过是为了证明政府向农民征收重税有理。He believed that the government was purposely creating a fear of anarchy merely to justify its first taxes on rural area farmars.