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一半埋入泥土中的卡车是掩体。A dummy is half truck in the ground.

嘉和掩体隧道,屏东县南迴线铁路。Shielded tunnel of South Link Line, Ping-Tung.

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我的手下从不挖掩体,我也不希望你们挖。My men don't dig foxholes. I don't want them to.

沉重的脚步在掩体台上走动。Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse.

爆炸的气浪把迪丹吉推回到了掩体的前面。The blast blew Dingee back into the front of the bunker.

就头也不回的离开了自己所呆着的的掩体。It turned back toward the left his stay with the bunkers.

在核爆炸的发生时,找掩体躲避是必要的选择。Taking shelter during a nuclear blast is absolutely necessary.

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战斗打响之前,士兵们挖出许多个人掩体。Man foxholes were hollowed out by the soldiers before fighting.

她的命运与她的头脑一起被抛进了比她的身躯还狭窄的掩体。Her lot was cast with her head in a narrower pit than her limbs.

几门大炮立刻瞄准了这个掩蔽的掩体。At once several gun crews aimed their guns at the fake flowerbed.

然而,他没有游出多远,一群民兵看到了他,并向他射击,有两个人离开岩石掩体向他射击。He did not get far. A group of militia saw him and began shooting.

用它把树枝之类的棍状物绑起来,就是一个简易掩体,甚至可以当木筏。Tie sticks together to make a quick lean-to shelter or even a raft.

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这一最新看法与这位基地组织头目为了躲避中情局无人机的空中侦察而在地下掩体中艰难度日的说法大相径庭。in underground bunkers as he dodged CIA drones hunting him from the air.

他们公司制造了一种重量约与一部小轿车相当的掩体炸弓单。His firm makes a bunker-buster which weighs about as much as a small car.

他们公司制造了一种重量约与一部小轿车相当的掩体炸弹。His firm makes a bunker -buster which weighs about as much as a small car.

他们公司制造了一种重量约与一部小型汽车相当的掩体炸弹。His firm makes a bunker- buster which weighs about as much as a small car.

于是他拿着他的狙击枪爬出掩体,朝树上狠狠砸碎。He steps out of his dugout, grabs his sniper rifle and smashes it to the tree.

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延平岛上的居民已被告知撤离该岛或躲入掩体避险。Residents living on Yeonpyeong Island have been told to evacuate or take shelter.

这项工程预计在2010年完工,新遮蔽物建好以后会沿着滑轨滑倒原先的掩体之上。After completion, forecast for 2010, the NSC will be slid on rails over the shelter.

男人在部落中有不同的工作,他们必须狩猎,保护部落,搭建掩体。Men had a different job within the tribe, they hunted, protected and built shelters.