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同时也在拖延时间。It also buys time.

停止同时多任务的方式。Stop multi-tasking.

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同时我也去了一个水濂。I went to a water fall.

这是同时淡出淡入。This is the cross-fade.

但同时遗留了什么给后代?But what did it produce?

人们不能同时进行多项任务。People can't multi-task.

同时他也很擅长文学。And he was very literary.

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不可在吃榴梿时同时喝酒。Do not take with alcohol.

她以种米、树薯、玉米为生,同时也养鸡。She also raises chickens.

同时打破我美好的梦想!And broken my braw dream !

同时,这里有多少倍y?And how many ys are there?

同时在购物时进行计划。And plan when you do shop.

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但是德凡同时也是他的老板。But Devan is also his boss.

最令人惊叹同时也是Here's the marvelous thing.

同时它也能保护心脏。It also protects the heart.

同时,猕猴桃中含还有丰富的食物纤维呢!Kiwi is also rich in fibre.

同时还有袁和平。They also have Yuen Woping.

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但同时,你需要一些脂肪。But also, you need some fat.

你获得一些的同时,也失去一些。You win some, you lose some.

当然,同时熔化的还有你的大脑。And torch your brain as well.