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它的数目是六百六十六。His number is 666.

有限数目的状态。Finite number of states.

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十美元是初二英语完形填空个小数目。Ten dollars is a small sum.

这个数目相当可观。This is a considerable figure.

参见拷贝数目变异体。CNV --- See copy number variant.

数目众多的控制房中的一个。One of the numerous control rooms.

当然,这都是小数目。These are small numbers of course.

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他们使山艾树的数目受到控制。They keep sagebrush under control.

你的心必思想那惊吓的事,自问说,记数目的在那里呢。Thine heart shall meditate terror.

而这将是你以后最多支付的数目。That is the most you will ever pay.

由您来挑选代的数目。You pick the number of generations.

可指定安全岛护柱的数目。Number of bollards can be specified.

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尝试着限制杈枝线的数目。Try to limit the number of headings.

我们只知道性伴侣的数目。We just know the number of partners.

请数一下那个房间里的椅子的数目。Please count the chairs in that room.

网上数目伟大飞沙风中转代码例程。Zillions of code ex'mples on the web.

通常葬礼上才送偶数数目的花儿。Even numbers usually are for funerals.

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我无法给出数目。I don't believe I could give a number.

传回可以取值的样本的数目。Return the number of fillable samples.

然后算出脚的数目。Figure out the legs. See if it's right.