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我坐在那里,百无聊赖地玩着手指头。I sat there and twiddled my thumbs.

百无聊赖中,赌鬼他对我开了腔。Til boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.

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他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.

嗨,生活有时糟糕透顶,有时百无聊赖——又或许兼而有之。Hey, life is sometimes just hellish or boring—or both.

周一对华尔街来说似乎又是百无聊赖的一天。Monday may have seemed another ho-hum day on Wall Street.

告诉孩子你理解孤独或百无聊赖的感受。Tell your child you understand about feeling lonely -- or bored.

她不想百无聊赖地呆在家里,想出去工作。She doesn’t want to stay poked up at home but wants to go out to work.

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他自从失业以来,常觉百无聊赖。Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.

可是,情深不过相思苦,百无聊赖于无人顾盼之中,又怎能酣睡于梦境。But, love but love hard, bored by no one look, how can sleep in the dream.

玛丽在等出租汽车时,百无聊赖,便随手翻翻几本旧杂志。Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.

在这里,更多的笼子内挤满四匹或四匹以上不安却又百无聊赖的老虎。Here, bored tigers crammed four or more to a cage, pace restlessly back and forth.

百无聊赖之际,找出一本刊物,走进二楼的大客厅。The occasion of boredom, to find a publication into the second floor of a large living room.

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由于天气不好,他在上个周末没有甚麽事情可做,只是在屋内百无聊赖。Because of the bad weather, he had nothing to do last weekend, except mooning about the house.

我离开了草坪,沿着路静静走着,披着白色的月光,百无聊赖,内心忧伤。I left the lawn and moved in the white light and silence along the road, aimless and sorrowing.

我原本可以就这样闷闷不乐百无聊赖,而我却选择了写作并让自己开心起来。I could’ve chosen to be miserable and bored, but instead I’ve decided to make myself happy and write.

我开始觉得自己就像一个身心俱疲的老外,百无聊赖,我需要继续前行来改变自己眼前的风景。Beginning to feel like a weary foreigner at loose ends I needed to be on the move to change my scenery.

苦于没有子弹,雷远他们不得已执行了第二方案,他们百无聊赖地等待着张弘毅的到来。With no bullets, LeiYuan they had to perform the second solution, they wait for the arrival of eero bored.

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外面细雨蒙蒙,四人百无聊赖,拜伦提议每人写一个鬼怪故事,玛丽则说她要以拜伦的公寓写一部书。After Byron had suggested that they each write a ghost story, Shelly claimed she struggled with writer's block.

西凤觉得到丢失,百无聊赖,把孤单的感触写在了日志里,不经意被向南读到。West chicken feel to lost, bored and lonely feelings to write in the log, inadvertently be read by a southward.

不管怎样,百无聊赖的学生现在只是做做笔记,但却不去上课,尤其那些对色彩没概念的学生,对艺术课程更是避之则吉。Whatever the cause, bored students take notice and are not showing up to class -- especially poor kids of color.