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系统上位机软件采用。PC software is made up on.

不要勉强地让她处于上位。Don’t just throw her on top.

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这称为上位相互作用。This is called an epistatic interaction.

一次支梗数表现有明显的上位性效应。Epistasis was detected for the primary branch.

我们最熟悉的就是男上位。We're most familiar with man-on-top positions.

上位机为通用的工控计算机。PC for general industrial controlling computer.

这种情况只发生在上位花中。This condition occurs only in epigynous flowers.

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本文的研究工作还包括上位机和下位机的软件开发。This paper contents software development of PLC and PC.

黑发基因对于红发基因位点来说是上位遗传的。The dark-hair genes are epistatic to the red hair locus.

该系统由上位机和下位机两大部分组成。This system consists of PC and machine consisting of two.

上位的插入或位于花被之上的。Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.

延斯有一些麻烦,这就是阿穆尼亚上位的原因。Jens had a few problems, that's why Almunia got his chance.

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现场数据采集单元通过RS-485总线与上位机通信。Data acquisition unit and the computer are linked by RS-485.

同时对隐性上位核不育的遗传行为方式进行了讨论。The genetic behavior of recessive epistatic GMS is discussed.

系统上位机通过CAN总线与各个节点进行通信。The host com puter communicates with each node through CAN bus.

在上位机软件中再对数据进行其他的处理。More processing will be done with the data in epistasis software.

你在领导能力上位阶越高,你应该要有更多的指导者。And the higher you go in leadership, the more mentors you should have.

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采集数据通过无线收发模块传输到上位机。The data finally is transferred to PC by wireless transmission module.

然而,对于上位性遗传模型,其运算时间还是过长。Under epistatic genetic model, however, the running time is very long.

实验结果证明了该上位机软件方法的可靠性和稳定性。Experimental results show the reliability and stability of the software.