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吉布森极力否认有不法行为。Gibson denies wrongdoing.

不法侵害的范围。The scope of the actualizing action.

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你可以使用这个为不法的企图。You can use this for nefarious purposes.

不法的行为发生在北方和西方的每个地方。Outlawry is everywhere in the north and west.

高盛及法布里斯·图尔本人均否认有任何不法行为。Goldman and Tourre have denied any wrongdoing.

目前,他还没有因任何不法行为受到起诉。So far, he has not been charged with any crime.

不法侵害是否包括不作为犯罪。The actualizing action including nonfeasance or not.

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一群不法暴徒肆意撒野地铁的城市!A pack of felonious goons are wreaking havoc on Metro City!

辉瑞或惠氏是否会承认不法行为目前尚不清楚。It isn't clear if Pfizer or Wyeth will admit to wrongdoing.

他把儿子的不法行为看作是对自己的忤逆。He viewed his son's lawless behavior as an attack on himself.

第四部分,不法侵害的基准。Chapter 4 researches the criteria of the illegal infringement.

一些不法青年结成一伙,使这个地区充满恐怖。A number of unruly youth ganged up and terrorized the district.

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审计委员会称该支行已经赔偿了不法使用款。The branch has returned the misappropriated funds, the NAO said.

第二部分,不法侵害的限定。Chapter 2 researches the delimitation of the illegal infringement.

神的公义就会轻而易举地被撒但或不法之人所糟蹋。His justice could be easily frustrated by Satan and wicked people.

致使不法商贩浑水摸鱼,出售不合格产品。The pusher, not qualified products to sell fish in troubled waters.

年夜卫和我都不感觉他的路博润股票是以任何不法的情势采办的。Neither Dave nor I feel his Lubrizol purchases were in any way unlawful.

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许多人认为他们是英雄,而其他人叫他们不法叛徒。Many thought they were heroes while others called them lawless renegades.

第一部分为不法原因给付的概述。Firstly, it interprets the meaning of "unlawful", "cause" and "prestation".

不法行为产生的原因,不外乎主客观两方面。The reason of the illegal act includes the subjective and objective aspects.