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这些人是叛国贼。我们要杀一儆百。These people are traitors. We need to make an example.

斩了,就会说成是杀一儆百。Said to be beheaded, will execute one as a warning to others.

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杀一儆百是减少犯罪行为的必要手段。Kill a man to warn a hundred is a necessary way to reduce crimes.

老板打算解雇他,以对其他员工杀一儆百。The boss decided to fire him to make an example of him to the other employees.

美国当局决定杀一儆百让雷曼兄弟倒台。The American authorities decided to let Lehman fail pour encourager les autres.

使用第一种方法的检察官们希望设立一个例子来达到杀一儆百的目的。In the first case, prosecutors hope to set an example for future would-be offenders.

所以有必要以此为契机,杀一儆百,避免今后发生类似事件。It is necessary to catch these incidents to avoid them being able to occur in the future.

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所谓“立即开打”,就是“杀一儆百”,先拿菲律宾“开涮”。The so-called" immediately start", is" execute one as a warning to others, to take Philippines.

现年34岁的李浩同时还被控杀害两名受害者并将其埋于该地下室,其原因竟是为“杀一儆百”。Li Hao, 34, is also accused of killing two of his victims and burying them in the room as a scare tactic.

有时,为了叫其它工人使出最大劲来干活,他会杀一儆百地辞退一个手脚慢的工人。Occasionally, just to keep the others up to concert pitch, he used to sack one of the men for being too slow.

最高司令部并没有把他赶尽杀绝,而是把他押回了柏林想要杀一儆百。Instead of putting him up against a wall , the High Command decided to send him back to Berlin to be made an example of.