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我们的两个后防中坚在那场比赛中被停赛了。We had our two center backs suspended for that game.

诚实而勤劳的人是社会的中坚分子。An honest, hard-working man is the salt of the earth.

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诚实而勤劳的人才是社会的中坚分子。An honest , hard-working man is the salt of the earth.

悠悠喜欢优游自在的人,他自己就是个中的中坚。Yoyo loves ramblers, himself being one of the chiefest.

李惠善是中国朝鲜族作家中起着中坚作用的作家。Lihuishan is a key writer in the Chinese- Korean literature.

Wotif是澳大利亚在线旅游的中坚力量。Wotif – is the dominant force in online travel in Australia.

在培养跨世纪人才中,他们是中坚力量。They are the core force in cultivating cross-century talents.

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有广阔前景的优秀企业的中坚分子!The the spark plug of excellence corporation in wide prospect.

这就是中坚交易员和动量投资者的逻辑。This is the logic of the hard-core trader and momentum investor.

美洲杯是甘索在巴西国家队的首次重大考验,与内马尔、小卢卡斯等众多年轻球员一样,他被认为是2014年巴西世界杯巴西队的中坚力量。The Copa America is Ganso’s first big test with the national team.

在温柔的蓝白泰国校服下,她其实是一个摇滚乐的中坚分子。In the gentle blue Baitai Guo uniforms, she is the backbone of a rock.

毋庸置疑,当今中国已经成为推动全球经济稳定发展的中坚力量。Indeed, today, China acts as a stabilizing force in the global economy.

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选情不利的一年,他们只能依靠该党的中坚分子了。They counted on the party stalwarts for support in the off-year campaigns.

黄尧是上世纪三十年代上海现代漫画运动的中坚分子之一。Huang Yao was part of the contemporary art movement in the field of cartoons.

伴随社会中坚在事业上全力以赴,在生活中全情投入。It motivates one to do his best in his career, and enables complete enjoyment in life.

沃特斯成为创作中坚并为概念歌曲组歌增添魔力。Waters become the creative force and fueled a fascination with conceptual song cycles.

前原诚司在日本执政的民主党内是著名的鹰派人物、少壮派中坚。Maehara within the ruling Democratic Party of Japan is famous hawk, young guard backbone.

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土星磁层的性质似乎是在中坚饽地球和木星的。Saturn's magnetosphere appears to be intermediate in nature to those of Earth and Jupiter.

尽管日共正在复苏,然而极少有人相信该党会在国内政治中起到中坚作用。Despite its resurgence, few believe the party will play a pivotal role in national politics.

所谓的京派作家构成了现代诗化小说创作的中坚力量。The so-called Beijing school writers constitute the main force in the modern novel creation.