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据新华社专电英国威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿王妃结婚一周,生活渐归“平静”。According to AP Prince William and Kate Middleton getting married Princess of the week, life gradually return "calm."

新华社专电英国一名亿万富翁酒后驾车,遭警察截停后试图以豪华跑车行贿。Xinhua News Agency Reuters a British billionaire drunk driving, stopped by police after attempting to bribe luxury sports car.

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据新华社专电朝鲜最高领导人金正日20日上午乘专列抵达俄罗斯边境城市哈桑。Xinhua News Agency, Reuters North Korean leader Kim Jong Il by the morning train 20 arrived in the Russian border city of Hassan.

新华社专电赴利比亚执行任务的两架法国战机20日因燃油即将耗尽,紧急降落马耳他一处机场。AP mission to visit two Libyan fighter planes on the 20th for the French running out of fuel, an emergency landing at Malta airport.

新华社专电菲律宾前总统约瑟夫·埃斯特拉达正考虑卖掉自己的豪华宅邸以减轻资金压力。AP Former Philippine President Joseph Estrada is considering to sell their luxury mansion in order to alleviate the financial pressure.

新华社专电英国威廉王子的空军搜救队战友14日说,威廉邀请所有27名战友参加婚礼。AP Britain's Prince William, 14, said Air Force search and rescue team comrades, William invited to attend the wedding of all 27 allies.

新华社专电英国泽西岛14日下午发生持刀杀人事件,包括两名儿童在内,一家六口人丧生。Xinhua News Agency Reuters UK Jersey knife 14 in the afternoon of the killings, including two children, a family of six people were killed.

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据新华社专电越南22日收到第二艘俄罗斯制造的导弹护卫舰。这一战舰当天驶抵金兰港。Xinhua News Agency, Reuters received a second aircraft in Vietnam 22 Russian-made missile frigates. The warship arrived in Cam Ranh port the same day.

他曾命令辛辛那提、克利夫兰和科伦坡的地方通讯员把各处探得关于珍妮的历史专电报告。Local newspaper men in Cincinnati , Cleveland, and Columbus were instructed to report by wire whether anything of Jennie's history was known in their city.

新华社专电委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯5日说,“罪恶的”资本主义应为包括委内瑞拉近期洪灾在内的全球极端气候现象负责。AP 5, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said, "evil" capitalism should include the recent floods in Venezuela, the world of extreme weather events, including the charge.

新华社专电委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯结束第二轮癌症化疗,13日深夜从古巴返回委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯。Xinhua News Agency Reuters Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ended the second round of cancer chemotherapy, 13 night return from Cuba, the Venezuelan capital of Caracas.

新华社今日上午专电俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京的新闻部门16日说,公众可帮助总理为他新得到的一只爱犬起名字。Reuters News Agency this morning, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's press department of 16, said the Prime Minister for his public to help get a new dog a name.

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新华社专电波兰检方25日说,一对以色列夫妇从奥斯威辛纳粹集中营偷窃纪念品,获判缓刑监禁。Xinhua News Agency Reuters 25 Polish prosecutors said an Israeli couple from the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp memorabilia theft, was sentenced to suspended imprisonment.

新华社专电巴基斯坦外交部8日说,2日以来,巴方官员一直羁押“基地”组织头目乌萨马·本·拉丹多名妻子和子女。AP said Pakistan's Foreign Ministry on the 8th, 2 days since the Palestinian officials have been detained, "base"-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden more than his wife and children.

新华社今晨专电法国总统萨科齐11日首次乘坐新专机,飞赴韩国首尔参加二十国集团领导人会议。Xinhua News Agency, Reuters French President Nicolas Sarkozy this morning, 11 first take the new plane, flew to Seoul to participate in the leaders meeting of the Group of Twenty.

文章以高职高专电类专业实验为基础,深入地研究了开放式实验体系模式的建立和具体措施。为高职高专实验课程的安排,提供了一条新的途径。The paper discusses the establishment and measures of the system, based on the experiments of electric majors and provides a new way for the arrangement of experiments in vocational colleges.

新华社专电多名美国官员16日说,由于受到“基地”组织威胁,美国驻阿尔及利亚大使馆正向一些可能受到袭击的对象发布警告。Reuters Xinhua News Agency said more than 16 U. S. officials, due to the "base" organizations threaten to forward some of the U. S. Embassy in Algeria may be the object of attack warnings issued.