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有生以来我第一次感到如此自由自在。I’m free for the first time in my life.

有生以来第一次,我感到了自己是一个整体。For the first time in my life, I felt whole.

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父亲说母亲是他有生以来见到的出牌高手。He said she was the best bluffer he'd ever seen.

我是有生以来第一次来到呼市。It was the 1st time in my life to be in Huhehaote.

她又写道,“这是我有生以来最美好的一个月。Then she writes, "This is the best month of my life.

这是她有生以来第二次说话躲躲闪闪。For the second time in her life she made an indirect answer.

这是他有生以来见过的最大、最黑的马。It was the biggest and blackest and blackest he had ever seen.

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这是她有生以来第二次说话躲躲闪闪。Eg. For the second time in her life she made an indirect answer.

拉尔夫,你是一个人有生以来可能拥有的最好的朋友和最好的爱犬。Ralph, you’re the finest friend and pet dog a man could ever have!

爱因斯坦先生是我们有生以来所认识的人中间最具有独创性的才子之一。Herr Einstein is one of the most original minds that I have ever met.

我有生以来从未见过如此可爱的女人——当然,除了你的母亲。I never saw anything so lovely in my life-except your mother, of course.

那是我第一次力陈己见,或许是我有生以来第一次,否则我的一生可能始终宁静无声。It was my first argument, maybe the first one of my otherwise quiet life.

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格鲁伊斯说,这是她有生以来第一次很想要去效仿一件事。For the first time in her life, Gruys said she was tempted to follow suit.

其实我的家庭生活很棒,它一直是我有生以来经历最好的事情。It has been great actually. It has been the best thing that ever happened.

实际上,这是他有生以来头一次盯着看女人。It was in fact the first time in his life that he had looked at any woman.

但当年被送往乡村时,那却是他们有生以来第一次旅行”。The only travel they ever did then was when they were sent to the countryside.

我相信那是我有生以来首次被如此的经济不公所激怒。I believe that was the first time in my life I was angered by economic injustice.

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但也可能是我们有生以来,第一次了解到形式。But it could be that we only grasp the forms in this life for the very first time.

萨拉有生以来的大部份时间都在这所卫生院度过。Sara had spent most of her young life in the hospital unit at the training school.

她有生以来还很少这样接近过欣喜如狂的程度。She had hardly ever been in a state so nearly approaching high spirts in her life.