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但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

皓月等人都很仗义的说愿意替金素颜担保。The people are very generous to say for gold makeup guarantee.

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你就是个仗义的英雄,这最后一块食物就是你为了奖励你。You're a goddamn hero, and that last piece is your personal reward.

人们同情弱者,却只追随强者。但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。People favor underdogut follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

人们同情弱者,却只追随强者,但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

人们同情弱者,却只追随强者。但还是要为几个弱者而仗义。People favor underdogs but follow onlyn_top dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

何雨柱是钢厂食堂的厨师,为人善良仗义却口无遮拦,人称“傻柱”。He Yuzhu is steel canteen chef, but a good battle righteousness, called silly column.

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直到后期,就是现在,可能是年纪大了,发福厉害了,专门出演那种凶狠,仗义,但往往是个杯具的老大。Until the late, is now, and may be old, fat, specialized in the fierce battle righteousness, but is often a cup with the boss.

另一套却是,仗义行侠维护网络世界自由平等的侠客。It is loyal to maintain network world free equal chivalrous person while being chivalrous while being competent if another is but.

「我觉得校方没有保护我仗义直言的权利」,尤其是关于环保问题和企业罪行,她说。"I feel that in my case, the university has failed to protect my rights to speak out" on environmental hazards and corporate crimes, she said.

小时候,我最崇拜哥哥肯佩尔,他忠诚仗义,保护着他的三个妹妹,并且魁梧英俊,性格豪爽。When I was a kid, I worshipped my big brother, Kemper. He was a loyal friend, someone who always faced down a bully, a protector of his three sisters.

杨明带上眼镜后感觉浑身充满了力量,他自信满满去挑战四大金刚结果闹出乌龙,幸得李博亮仗义解救。Full of strength to feel Yang Ming wearing glasses, he is full of confidence to challenge the big four sudden oolong, Li Boliang was generous to rescue.

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作为一个医德高尚的医生,作为一个勇于仗义相助的善良之人,史蒂芬是凶手的可能性很小。Regard a medical ethics as exalted doctor, be brave in as generous the kind-hearted person that helps, the possibility that Stephen is a murderer is very little.

他为人正直,忠诚坦荡,为政无私,豪侠仗义,在朝廷享有很高威望,并甚得皇上恩宠,在宋史上发挥重要作用。He was upright, loyal, unselfish, outspoken and straightforward. So he got the emperor's trust, enjoyed high prestige, and played an active part in the Northern Song Dynasty.

白冬菊和胡晓月的仗义直言也被关了禁闭,省委王部长决议枪毙李彪,此事情在县大队惹起了轩然大波。The truth BaiDongJu and HuXiaoYue battle righteousness is also shut up, provincial party committee secretary of king LiBiao, this resolution shot things are in county brigade to provoke up the norm.

当初关雎尔曾被白主管陷害被警方传讯,邱莹莹非但不认可关雎尔的仗义行为,反而还对关雎尔隐瞒曲筱绡勾引白主管的事情耿耿于怀。When stretch was subpoenaed framed by white head, Qiu Yingying not only fail to recognize the battle righteousness, stretch, but also to stretch, concealing QuXiao gauze seduce white head of things.