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别那么心烦意乱的。Don't be so upset.

只能使大家心烦意乱。It's just a distraction.

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心烦意乱因为我的无礼?Does my sassiness upset you?

他因忧虑而心烦意乱。He was distracted by anxiety.

看到她时,他感到心烦意乱。He was overset by seeing her.

烦恼使他心烦意乱。Trouble has unhinged his mind.

他说的话令她心烦意乱。What he said made her shatter.

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如果我说“我恨你”,别太心烦意乱。Don't tell me my fears are silly.

杰克心烦意乱,责怪他自己。Jack is upset and blames himself.

她安慰着心烦意乱的泰瑞。Nina consoles the distraught Teri.

起初,他也许会大发雷霆,心烦意乱。He may be angry and upset at first.

不过一想到博福特,他又变得心烦意乱。But the idea of Beaufort gnawed him.

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指环的遗失使她很心烦意乱。Losing the ring upset her very much.

我不知道是什么让我这些天心烦意乱的。Let me alone! I am nerves on edge now.

玛丽被这个突然的消息弄得心烦意乱。Mary was fluttered by the sudden news.

当皮特的宠物鸟死掉时,他心烦意乱。Pete was upset when his pet bird died.

她被一件发生的事弄得心烦意乱。She was distracted at some occurrence.

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有别的事情扰得我心烦意乱。There was something else eating at me.

我接不到晌何邮件时总嗜心烦意乱。I'm always upset when I don't get mail.

她碰到一丁点儿伤脑筋的事就心烦意乱。She ruffles at the slightest annoyance.