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南湾隧道项目一直保持骄人的安全纪录。Nam Wan Tunnel ? a project proud of its safety record.

这所大学在田径运动方面历来成绩骄人。This college has a long tradition of athletic excellence.

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经过多年的努力发展,取得了骄人成绩。After years of development efforts and achieved remarkable results.

祝愿全世界的奥运健儿能取得骄人成绩!I wish the world's Olympic athletes can achieve impressive results!

十年来,苹果取得了骄人的成绩,它的成功有目共睹。That's a relief -- Apple has had an incredible run of success over the last decade.

网络广告在过去的几年中发展事态良好,取得了骄人成绩。In the passed years, web advertising has grown well and made delightful performance.

研究这些特殊的骄人成绩和表现的来源颇具意义。To study the source of these special success and performance is of much significance.

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设计院在同行业中具有很强的实力,拥有骄人的业绩。Design Institute in the same industry is of great strength, with enviable performance.

优良的品质和周到的服务,亚太集团取得了骄人的业绩。Yatai Group has achieved a marvelous achievement depends on its fine quality and good service.

自1996年开始,以生产卧室家具为主的实木家具,并且取得了骄人成绩。Since 1996, mainly to produce solid wood bedroom furniture, and has made remarkable achievements.

“易大”凭借骄人的业绩,良好的信誉,成为杭州景观设计领域一颗耀眼的新星。Yida becomes nowadays a new bright star in this field with excellent achievements and reputation.

他饭后衔着一根牙签,红光满面,硬是觉得可以骄人。After the meal, sporting a toothpick between their teeth, they will be glowing with smug satisfaction.

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尽管他还要洗去偏激的形象,但是直到目前,他至少在经济建设上取得了骄人的战绩。He has yet to shed his polarising image, but he has at least built up an enviable record on the economy.

我们修行人之所以这样做是知道「贵以骄人,富以戏人」都有极严重的后遗症。Men of practice know clearly the serious sequela of being 'the noble is proud and the rich is bullying'.

作为一名选手,费德勒在今年取得了进步,但进步并不总是意味着取得骄人的成绩。Improvement as a player does not always signify greater results, though, as Federer has found out this year.

所以,天骄人始终如一的坚持着“品格第一”的择人与任人的原则。Therefore, Tianjiao consistently adheres to the principle of "Integrity first" to select and appoint people.

然而,有一位聪明的女性却从中发掘出一个潜在的市场,并取得了骄人的成绩。However, a clever female disinter from which however a potential market, obtained the result of arrogant person.

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相信侯小强在新的、更广阔的平台会取得更加骄人的成绩。Believe Hou Xiaojiang is in new, more capacious platform can be obtained more the achievement of arrogant person.

其情报机构摩萨德,已经渗透到了阿拉伯国家的首都,创下骄人的暗杀记录。The Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, has an impressive record of infiltrating assassination teams into Arab capitals.

新看台的及时开放以及创纪录的观众人数是球队骄人战绩的体现。The opening of the new Quadrants on time and with record attendances was the result of another great team effort.