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那应该用什么量词啊?What kind of measure word should I use instead?

说花的量词真话她们中很多人我都见过。To tell you the truth, I have seen lots of them.

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下面的哪个量词用法是正确的呢?Which of the following measure words is correct?

请求别人帮忙被拒绝后心生抱怨。量词。Complaining when requests for favors are refused.

量词的成词历史及搭配关系的探索。The explore of the history of measure word creating.

量词和日期很可能有一个有效范围。Quantifiers and dates are likely to have a valid range.

量词教学是对外汉语教学中的难点。The teaching of Chinese classifiers is a nodus in TCFL.

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是动词重叠,还是借动词为量词?。Overlapping Verbs, Or Transferring Verbs into Measure Words?

现在让我们来谈论使用量词表明重复。Now let's talk about using quantifiers to indicate repetition.

第一部分是元代量词描写。The first part is the description of Yuan Dynasty quantifiers.

人体词的量词化是在隐喻或转喻的机制下完成的。Body words are changed into measure words by means of metaphor.

量词的普遍使用,是汉、日语言的共同特点之一。Measure words are commonly used in both Chinese and Japanese language.

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嵌套量词本身并不会造成性能危害。Nesting quantifiers is not actually a performance hazard in and of itself.

下一个例子显示了带重复量词的回溯。This next example shows how backtracking works with repetition quantifiers.

“个”是现代汉语中最常用的个体量词,使用范围极为广泛。Ge is a measure word, which is frequently and widely used in modern Chinese.

量词和否定词交互关系产生辖域歧义。Quantifier and negation interact with each other to produce scope ambiguity.

现代汉语量词是用来表示数量单位的一种词类。The quantifier in Chinese is one part of speech to express the quantity unit.

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量词与名词超常搭配是一种反常合道的语言创新现象。Anomalous collocation of quantifier and noun is a kind of language innovation.

本文研究的是焦点与量词辖域之间的关系。This thesis is a study of the relationship between focus and quantifier scope.

汉语中,数词既可与量词组合,又可与名词组合。In modern Chinese, numeral can connect with measure word and with noun as well.