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它是栽赃陷害的!It was planted!

他被敌人的诡计给陷害了。He is snared by the wiles of his enemy.

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他愤怒地声称有人设计陷害他。He angrily asserted that he had been set up.

被告说他被人陷害了。The accused man siad that he had been framed.

皮特好像设了狡猾的圈套要陷害你。Peter seems toh ave set a cunning tr ap for you.

我知道是她在背后陷害了我。I know she is the woman who knifed me in the back.

你不可作假证陷害人。You shall not bear false witness against the neighbor.

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单福全设计陷害,使得董邵华丧命。Chan Fuquan designs circumvent, make Dong Shaohua get killed.

但是她告诉陪审团,那并不意味着有什么陷害。But, she told the jury, that doesn't mean there was a frame-up.

想你现在恨不得当初陷害的是别人吧,将军?Guess right now you wish you'd framed somebody else, huh, general?

哈利被陷害参加了三强争霸赛,关卡中有龙有人鱼。Harry gets put in the Triwizard Tournament. With dragons and mermaids.

彼得告诉我们,当我们被这个世界憎恨和陷害时。Peter tells us that, when we are being hated and maligned by the world.

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总之就是,他被人陷害,并在这被残忍的折磨致死But, he was set up and he was hideously tortured here and he was killed.

我不希望看到有谁故意设局陷害别的选手。I do not wish to see someone of you do bad things to the other campains.

我不希望看到有谁故意设局陷害别的选手。I don't want to find out about anyone having any design to kick out his.

当你被人陷害时,不要报复,而是交托给主。When you are being maligned falsely, don't retaliate. Leave it with Him.

“Bambang”在被他的朋友陷害之前,他还是认为自己有几个朋友的。‘Bambang’ thought he had friends, that was until one of them set him up.

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凌潮汐被学生陷害险些摔倒,何之洲英雄救美赢得芳心。Ling tide by students against almost fell, where Chau hero to win her heart.

山施计陷害婷,企图令她再度入狱。Shan Shiji frames Ting, the attempt makes her to be put in prison once again.

他直指汪曼春根本就是军统的人,而明台更是被人利用和陷害。He directed Wang Manchun is juntong, and Ming station is being used and framed.