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暴力是什么?Violence is what?

暴力是什么。What is violence?

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战争中才存在暴力。For violence go to war.

这种暴力必须停止。This violence must stop.

他们拒绝在暴力面前低头。They refused to bow force.

暴力还继续And the violence keeps going.

和平主义者憎恨暴力。The pacifists hated violence.

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暴力决不能摧毁正义。Force can never destory right.

若无把握,暴力破解。When in doubt, use brute force.

暴力在道理背上拉屎。Force shites upon Reason's Back.

那可能是法西斯主义,或暴力主义。It may be fascism, or barbarism.

因此这属于不经同意的暴力。So it's non-consensual violence.

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而在过去,比赛更加暴力。In the past, it was more violent.

众人的暴力,一个人的慈惠。Men are cruel, but a man is kind.

这些太暴力了。Sergi There is too much violence.

他有袭警的暴力倾向。He tends to antagonize the police.

不仅开创了新的暴力。Only violence inaugurates the new.

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太多的影片把暴力描述成是平凡的事。Too many films trivialize violence.

暴力无法培育出任何善果。Nothing good ever comes of violence.

她遭受着家庭暴力之苦。She suffers from domestics violence.