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那场足球邀请赛因下大雪被取消了。The invitational football match was snowed off.

2001年度“广东中华文化杯门球邀请赛”在斗门举行。The match of GDCC Cup in 2001 were hold at Doumen.

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会长杯合球邀请赛已完满结束!!The President Cup Korfball Invitation Tournament has come to a close!

在上星期出席了一项篮球邀请赛,也担任了该赛会的裁判工作。Attended an basketball invitation and became referee for it last week.

苏丹杯则是东南亚队伍的邀请赛。The Sultan"s Cup is an invitational tournament for teams of Southeast Asia.

邀请赛由室外广场展示与室内展厅展出二部分组成。The tournament will be composed of out-door plaza exhibition and in-door ones.

为了纪念这次乒乓球友好邀请赛的成功,人们共同栽下了六棵松树。In memory of the Table Tennis Friendship Tournament, people planted six pine trees.

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北京国际游泳跳水友好邀请赛今天开幕了。Beijing International Swimming and Diving Friendship Invitational Meet opened today.

这是一项国际邀请赛,共有6队来自6国的队伍参与其盛。It is a international invitation game where 6 teams from different countries participated.

中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛。China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium.

“邀请赛”部分的格式表示,没有该地区的优秀运动员被邀请。The "invitational" part of the format was that none of the area's elite players was invited.

在2005年,他回到他的老形式赢得了别克邀请赛,福特锦标赛。In 2005, he returned to his old form by winning the Buick Invitational and Ford Championship.

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来自世界各地的职业选手都来参加到了这次的邀请赛。Pro-gamers from all over the world have traveled to BlizzCon to participate in the Invitational.

今年的国际乒乓球友谊邀请赛将在中国举行。The International Table Tennis Friendship Invitational Tournament will be held in China this year.

感谢您们对「美高梅狮王争霸-澳门国际邀请赛2011」的参与和支持!Thank you for your presence and support to the MGM MACAU International Lion Dance Championship 2011!

1969年吴华森师傅参加在星加波举行的第一届东南亚国术邀请赛前留影。A 1969 photo of Sifu Ng Wah Sum before his first match at the First South East Asia Kung Fu tournament.

今年我们将延续以往的传统并且扩大为亚洲规模的RUEDA邀请赛。This year we will continue the tradition of the past and to expand the size of Asia RUEDA Invitational.

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前几年还在范泾乡举行了嘉兴市踏白船邀请赛。Fan Jing River Township, a few years ago is still held in Jiaxing city, riding a white boat Invitational.

你知道中国杯国际体操邀请赛昨天在北京首都体育馆开赛吗?Do you know that China Cup International Gymnastics Tournament opened yesterday in Beijing Capital Gymnasium.

每年都会有许多活动举办,例如渡海泳。烟火表演。帆船比赛。龙舟邀请赛。Every year there are many events, such as cross-harbor swimming fireworks show. Yacht race Dragon Boat Races.