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她喜欢吃葵花瓜子。She likes sunflower seeds.

朵朵葵花向太阳。Sunflowers turn towards the sun.

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花园里红色的天竺葵花色彩艳丽。The garden was gay with red geraniums.

失去了光芒葵花依旧笑向日。The sunflowers without radiant, still beam upon the sun.

葵花是一名利物浦球员,而且会一直留在英格兰。Aquilani is a Liverpool player and will remain in England.

但当葵花分开后,德川终将怒气发泄出来。But when sunflower separated, tokugawa will anger let out.

葵花探望桂兰,更向她说出正龙等人四出赚钱之事。Sunflower visit the laurel orchid, more to tell her are dragons, etc.

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小土豆很棒,葵花也恢复了健康。"Jay was fantastic and Alberto is getting the fitness back, " he said.

葵花哥在老三八表现地非常强势,并且重新找回了信心。Aquilani has had a strong season at Juventus and regained his confidence.

还有,葵花宝典无敌的另一主要因素就是快!Still have, the another main factor with sunflower inapproachable jewel is fast!

今天大家所看到的和所知道的,只不过是石油行业的葵花宝典神功初现而已!Today, everyone's seen and knew was only the the beginning of petroleum industry!

扬起脸,映入眼帘的是一张比葵花更加绚烂明亮的清秀面庞。Yang Qilian, greeted the sunflower is more gorgeous than a bright handsome faces.

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下周再回来看看,我这里还有葵花宝典的另五大绝招,此功练成,你在PPT设计界即可彪炳千秋!Check back next week for the next five awesome tips for better presentation design!

葵花不忍三水被捕,助三水逃生,更约他于晚上晤面。Sunflower arrested, help sanshui pat sanshui more about his escape WuMian in night.

葵花哥有一脚非常英霸的射门功夫,但是在英超他鲜能抓住这样的机会啊。Aquilani has a greatly powerful shot on goal, but seems reluctant to take the chance.

葵花的信仰是太阳,它等待着它明白它的爱情而坚韧地生长。Sunflower belief is the sun, its waited for it to recognize its love and patience grow.

蓝天中白云缓缓地飘着,花园里红色的天竺葵花色彩艳丽。The clouds in the blue sky were floating slowly. The garden was gay with red geraniums.

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利物浦新帅霍奇森同志表示,现在是葵花同学向大家证明自己身价的时候了。Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson says it's time for Alberto Aquilani to live up to his price-tag.

阿奎拉尼的经纪人相信,葵花的未来在下周就可以决定。Alberto Aquilani's agent believes the Liverpool midfielder's future will be decided next week.

小偷们欲掳走葵花讹诈德川,但逃走时却遇上正龙。The thieves bride-kidnapping sunflower blackmail to tokugawa, but get away but met are dragon.