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但是,这些响尾蛇饿了。But the rattlesnakes are hungry.

嗯,两只蝎子。两只响尾蛇。Yeah , two scorpions , two rattlesnakes.

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响尾蛇队则认为老鹰队装正经。The Rattlers viewed the Eagles as goody-goody kids.

菱形斑纹的响尾蛇和尾部有环纹的Blackbirds, the Diamond Rattlers, and the Ring-Tailed

搬弄是非者的毒舌比响尾蛇的毒液还要致命。The venom of rattlesnake is enough to kill 1000 rats.

如果响尾蛇咬了阿泰,那它死定了。If a Rattle snake bit Ron Artest, the snake would die.

王是对响尾蛇队的胜利投手。Wang was the winning pitcher against the Diamondbacks.

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“是的,那是一条响尾蛇,我不会走近的。”完了!Yes, that's a rattler , I won't go near it. ' Finished!

我的响尾蛇冷启动后就没有反映了。PROBLEM My diamondback does not respond after a cold boot.

躺在树丛里会被响尾蛇咬吗?If I lay down in a bush would I get bitten by a rattlesnake?

响尾蛇住在美-国,也就是你来的地方。Rattlesnakes live in A-meri-ca which is where YOU come from.

我的烟草抽光了,我到山洞里去取一些,发现那里有一条响尾蛇。I went to the cavern to get some, and found a rattlesnake in there.

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一条响尾蛇的毒液足以杀死一千只林鼠。The rattlesnake has enough venom to kill about a thousand pack rats.

于是从响尾蛇皮中间,飞快地,他以轻蔑的手势。Then from the rattlesnake's skin, with a sudden, contemptuous gesture.

每次蜕皮之后,响尾蛇标志性的环节尾都会增加一节。Rattlesnakes add a segment to their iconic rattles each time they molt.

为了跟随研究美洲豹,Roelke必须涉水通过沼泽和躲避响尾蛇。Roelke waded through swamps and dodged rattlesnakes to follow panthers.

“我被党报的编辑咬了”,响尾蛇回答,伴随着一阵不详的传自尾部的死亡之音。"I have been bitten by the editor of a partisan journal," was the reply

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我去了一个废弃的石屋,那是响尾蛇爱去的地方,因为那里可能有老鼠之类猎物。I was in a rock ruin, where rattlesnakes like to go because mice live there.

那条路上常常有响尾蛇爬过,有时候你还能看见浑身凸起的蟾蜍。Along that path rattlers often went by and occasionally you saw a horned toad.

似乎这也就是使响尾蛇队和老鹰队和好的原因。It seemed that this was what brought the Rattlers and the Eagles back together.