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理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.

他会为你指路的。He can point the way.

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理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.

教师让两组学生上来边画路线图,边指路。Who like to show your road map?

我的也是,希望能有仙人指路。I also hope to have a fairy guide.

高尚的理想是人生的指路明灯。In 12, a lofty ideal is a beacon of life.

这支箭在为你指路!This arrow is pointing you down your path.

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艾莉丝开车,丹看地图指路。Alice drove while Dan navigated with the map.

她画了一幅这个地区的略图,用来给我们指路。She drew a sketch map of the area to show us the way.

但是,帮助指路的路标还是有的。But there are guideposts that can help point the way out.

通常英国人在街上是会给你指路的。Englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.

问路指路要指引准确、热情、有礼。Be exact, passional and polite when asking and showing ways.

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这是作为去田庄、山庄和村子的指路碑用的。It serves as guide-post to the Grange, the Heights, and village.

艺术美是艺术活动的指路星与归宿点。The artistic beauty is the guide-road star and the end-result spot.

当你迷失方向时,你永远的朋友为你指路,让你振作。If you lose your way, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.

神差派他的儿子,成为我们的样式,以便能给我们指路并拯救我们。God sent His Son to become like us so He could show the way and save us.

学习地点的一些单词,介词和副词,如何指路。Learn some words about places some prep. and adv. How to give directions.

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你的情绪是你的指路明灯,但你当然并非十全十美。Your emotions are your guiding light, but of course you aren't infallible.

给梦指路的女儿,漫步在峡谷和溪流,寻找那雪中的紫罗兰。A dream-led daughter, roaming over glen and dell seeking violetsin the snow.

通常英国人在街上是会给你指路的。Usual Englishman or Englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.