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在二战前美国出口血雨腥风爵士乐和蓝调。Before the Second World Warthe American exported jazz and the blues.

这种更喜好的血雨腥风的农业模式是从当地的田地名得来的。The preferred terms of milpa or swidden agriculture are taken from local names for field.

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血雨腥风中热血青年们携起手来,为家国为民族甘愿洒热血。Young people to join hands in the blood bloody for the home country are willing to shed blood for the nation.

在多数金融公司遭遇信贷危机的血雨腥风之际,黑岩的表现看上赴也好不到哪赴。At a time when most financial firms have been bloodied by the credit crisis, BlackRock has never looked better.

经历周四的血雨腥风,很多投资者仍然看好很多新兴市场经济体的中长期前景。Despite Thursday's carnage, many investors remain optimistic about the medium- and longer-term prospects for many emerging-market economies.

1861年,由一个自称天兄之弟的人领导的太平天国运动席卷了整个上海,造就了一场血雨腥风。IN 1861 Shanghai came under attack from the Taiping rebellion, a bloody uprising led by the self-proclaimed younger brother of Jesus Christ.

为了避免江湖中血雨腥风,方证和方印要令狐冲连合其它三派极力阻止左冷禅。In order to avoid malicious code in the rivers lake, party card and kisses to make fox blunt join the other three sent to prevent left cold zen.

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但野良有感于年华已逝,厌倦了血雨腥风,便离开了儿子,制造了自己死亡的假象。Dan Yeliang has feeling already died at time, was tired of a foul wind and a rain of blood, left a son, made the false appearance that oneself die.

1809年一场血雨腥风的战争过后,土耳其人建立了这座骷髅塔,用揭竿而起的反对土耳其统治的塞尔维亚战士之头骨装饰而成。Ottoman Turks built the Skull Tower after a bloody battle in 1809, decorating it with severed heads of Serbian soldiers who rose against Turkish rule.

布什此次告别之行乃为庆贺伊拉克多年血雨腥风之后终于日见和平稳定。Bush a "dog" and threw his shoes at him on Sunday, sullying a farewell visit to Baghdad meant to mark greater security in Iraq after years of bloodshed.

即使是把整个欧洲卷入了第一次世界大战的血雨腥风的德国皇帝也可以在一座荷兰宫殿里度过他的余生。Even the German kaiser, who had plunged all of Europe into the bloodbath of World War I, was allowed to live out his days in a palace in the Netherlands.

再看看我们的邻国,种族、宗教暴乱难以平息,哀鸿遍野,血雨腥风,令人胆寒,我们又怎能不珍惜和保护现在所拥有的一切?Just look around and we can see what unending ethnic and sectarian violence is costing our neighbouring countries . Should we not value and protect what we have at the moment?

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吴永顺得知消息后带着猎户们再度返回了家园,在孔梅的指导下,经过一番血雨腥风的战斗,终于除掉了妄图强占青龙山的日本人。Vincent ng news later with Orion again returned to the country, under the guidance of Kong Mei, after a bloody battle, finally get rid of the Japanese to seizing qinglongshan.

在这个世界里,年轻的欧文·布莱克一觉醒来,发现他所熟悉的一切变得奇怪而陌生,曾经宁静的故土笼罩着内战的血雨腥风。It concerns a young man, Owen Brick, who wakes up one day to find his familiar world strangely unfamiliar and his formerly peaceful country in the middle of a bloody civil war.

一场血雨腥风之后,维多失去了家人和爱人,他是可怜的,然而在听了再生人的控诉之后,他的命运又是何等的悲惨又令人心酸。After a terrible and bloody, Victor lost his family and loved ones, he was poor, but after listening to people's complaints of renewable, his fate is what a tragic and very sad.

如若不实行高压政治并一路都遵循公平的游戏规则的话,许多为了争夺市场和资源而卷入血雨腥风的战争中的那些强势国家不会取得胜利。Many of the powerful nations engaged in bloody wars might not survive in the battle for markets and resources if coercion would be impossible and the rules of the game would be fair play all the way.

在我看来,巴黎公社和随后的那场,使得成千上万的人死于非命的大屠杀,都预示了二十世纪的血雨腥风,人们仅仅因为自己的出身而获罪And, in my view, the Paris Commune and the massacre that followed the Paris Commune, the massacre of thousands and thousands of people, anticipated the twentieth century, when you became guilty for just being who you were.