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或者牵扯别的一大堆事吧?Or a whole bunch of something elses?

别把他人牵扯进你的费事中去。Don't involve other people in your trouble.

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这里面牵扯许多大问题。There are many big things involved in this.

序列化所牵扯的问题要多一些。The serialization case is a bit more problematic.

此弹簧的牵扯力是由重力引起的。The tension of the spring is caused by the weight.

我没有牵扯到你们的私人恩怨里。I'm not getting involved in your personal vendettas.

显然,德比战总是牵扯到很多。There's always a lot riding on it for obvious reasons.

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我想很容易就牵扯上其中的一家连锁店了。I think it's easy to get sucked into one of the chains.

体积较大的囊肿可引起背痛及牵扯感。Large cysts can cause backaches and a dragging sensation.

你似乎没察觉,这里边牵扯很多问题。You don't seem to realize that there's much more involved.

你真卑鄙!你恨的是我,为什么要把月月也牵扯进来。You really mean! You hate me is, why the moon is involved.

甚至在欧洲,即便是普通的生意也会牵扯到非法活动。Even in Europe, business-as-usual can include illegal activities.

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犹如为了解释地质板块的移动,而牵扯上帝仁泽万物来附会。It is to fabricate a beneficent God to explain geological movements.

对于通膨的前景也牵扯到一些相互对立的趋势。The outlook for inflation is also subject to a number of crosscurrents.

皮特•戈德温决意自己不想再被牵扯进这类法律中去。Peter Godwin decided he did not want to be involved in this kind of law.

截止到1960年,联邦调查局共解密了牵扯到432,000美国人的“颠覆性”文件。By 1960, the FBI had open, “subversive” files on some 432, 000 Americans.

他们的法律在这我就不引证了,但它牵扯到道德的问题。I’m not going to quote their law here, but it has to do with moral issues.

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但是没有,审查的要求越来越频繁,牵扯范围也越来越广。They did not. The demands for censorship became broader and more frequent.

但如今他曾经被牵扯其中,纵然三头六臂也无法辨说分明。But now he had been involved SanTouLiuBei cannot cause, even said trenchant.

他的儿子日后很不明智地牵扯在其中,这一点我们后面会讲到His son has the bad idea of getting involved in this later, as we shall see.