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所以请停止喂养它,尽快让它覆灭吧。So stop feeding it and let it wither on the vine.

它最终将覆灭于自由与进步的力量。It will eventually succumb to the forces of freedom and progress.

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恐慌会蔓延到整个欧元区,欧元的覆灭也将随之而来。Contagion will spread across the euro zone. The end will come soon enough.

当炸弹落在广岛爆炸的时候,我们亲眼看见了整座城市的覆灭。As the bomb fell over Hiroshima and exploded, we saw an entire city disappear.

不断出现的奴隶起义导致了古罗马帝国的覆灭。Recurrent slave uprisings brought about the downfall of the ancient roman empire.

公元前第六世纪,迦勒底被波斯人所征服,埃及也相继覆灭。When, in the sixth century B. C. , Chaldea fell to the Persians, Egypt followed suit.

这个星期产生了很多有趣的事情,来自本杰明的呈文。阴谋集团的覆灭在继续。There is much interesting reading this week from "the Benjamin". The cabal demise continues.

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此时,东北国民党军全军覆灭的命运,已成定局。The complete collapse of the Kuomintang troops in the Northeast then became a foregone conclusion.

新华社导报称,本案的判决宣告了中国最大软件网络盗版集团的覆灭。The state-controlled Xinhua news agency called it China's biggest software copyright infringement case.

但随后便走投无路——资产市场崩溃和金融体系覆灭成为注定的结局。By then there was no way out – asset market collapse and financial system wipe-out were baked in the cake.

猖獗一时的反革命匪帮,曾几何时,遭到了彻底覆灭。The counter-revolutionary gang was on the rampage for a time, but before long it was completely overthrown.

这事实上只能导致无政府主义,导致社会主义事业的瓦解和覆灭。In fact, bowing to this demand would only lead to anarchism and the disruption and ruin of the socialist cause.

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蔡邕的一生,大约与汉末顺、桓、灵三朝相始末,正值东汉王朝从衰败走向覆灭的时期。Cai Yong's life happened to be at the turning point of the East Han Dynasty from a downfall to complete collapse.

这个世界的确欠萨马兰奇一笔债,因为,是他在奥林匹克运动行将覆灭的时候救活了它。The world of sport does, indeed, owe a debt to Samaranch. He resuscitated our Olympics when they might have died.

菲斯托还跟其他人一起领导一支绝地特遣队在阿特里维斯星区见证了铱星海盗的覆灭。Fisto was also co-leader of a Jedi task force that saw the vanquishing of the Iridium pirates in the Atrivis sector.

在这浩瀚的宇宙之中,有多少个平行的我们?有多少场生死覆灭?又有多少静默的轮回?How many of us in the parallel vast universe are there? How many times live and die? How many silent reincarnations?

北约此前以保护平民为名对效忠卡扎菲的军对实施空袭,加速了卡扎菲政权的覆灭。NATO accelerated the collapse of the Libyan regime by undertaking air raids on Gaddafi's forces in defence of civilians.

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从那天起,我开始统治以色列,而亚哈王朝,就这样与太阳神的教士们一起,覆灭了。After that day, I established my reign over Israel, and Ahab’s family, alongwith the priests of Baal, were all massacred.

尽管巴格达动物园覆灭的悲剧是独一无二的个案,但动物园通常都在战争中饱受伤害。Although the destruction of the Baghdad Zoo was uniquely tragic in its scale, zoos have always fared disastrously in wars.

巴列维王朝的西化改革忽视了伊朗国情,最终导致了君主制的覆灭。Palavi' s Westernization reformation neglected religious and political culture of Iran, which led to the end of the dynasty.