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她用颤音唱了一首歌。She trilled a song.

他用颤音发“r”音。He trilled the letter “r”.

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男孩在长笛上吹颤音。The boy trilled on a flute.

这是个发颤音的字母。This is a letter with a trill.

大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。Notes of a cello, contralto, canary.

人类的嗓音也有这种颤音You hear it in human voices as well.

我听到劳拉那柔和的颤音。I heard the faint warble of Laura's voice.

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难以承受的,混响,颤音和立体声合唱。Sustain, reverb, vibrato and stereo chorus.

你是用向下按弦来产生颤音吗?GW Do you generate vibrato by pressing down?

她唱歌的颤音一点也不悦耳。Her trills are far from pleasing to the ear.

这些奥地利人正在山上用颤音唱。The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains.

大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。The vibrant Notes of a cello, contralto, canary.

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在附近,女人则用尖锐的花舌颤音作为回应。Nearby, women responded with high-pitched trills.

突然,从舱底传来一声轻微的颤音。Suddenly,there was a slight trembling sound from below.

火鸡胸脯颤音,栗子馅,蔓越莓果冻。Turkey Breast Roulade, Chestnut Stuffing, Cranberry Jelly.

巴赫要求你能够一只手弹奏颤音,而不依靠另一只手。Bach wants you to trill one hand independently of the other.

与其说手振音为振音,还不如说它是一种颤音。In fact, the hand vibrato is a tremolo rather than a vibrato.

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我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.

原来,沉闷的雨天也有颤音的琴弦抚出。In fact, boring rainy days also ask the tremolo of the strings.

选择从三种类型的调制波形为颤音。Select from three types of modulation waveforms for the tremolo.