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有时,一个新的观点,或者刚刚参与此事的家长可能会解燃眉之急。Sometimes a fresh perspective, or parent, can be a lifesaver.

但今天连投资都可以了,不能用它来解救存户的燃眉之急显得说不过去。Today, we are even able to use our CPF savings for investments.

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他认为鼓励储蓄是个好建议,但那比较适合长期政策,而非解决燃眉之急。He thinks that savings is a good idea in the long run, but not now.

一些公司给你提前支薪以解个人燃眉之急。Some companies will give you a salary advance for personal emergencies.

撒哈拉沙漠提供的这种轻便的户外厕所为你解了燃眉之急。Sahara provides this handy outdoor toilet to solve the pressing need for you.

一些海滨城市正建造海水淡化处理厂,以解燃眉之急。Some coastal cities are building desalination plants to turn seawater into drinking water.

不过分析师认为,低息融资只能为中国可再生能源公司缓解燃眉之急.But analysts say access to cheap money will only get China's alternate energy firms so far.

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欧元区可能四分五裂,希腊危机是燃眉之急,但其病灶早已四处扩散。The euro could break apart. Greece is the immediate problem, but the sickness has spread much wider.

欧盟的碳排放体系允许企业储存他们分配到的排放许可以备今后之需,或是把未来的许可借来以解燃眉之急。The E.U. system allows companies to bank or store their allocations for the future or to borrow them from the future.

如果事态严重的话,他们也能通过纳税人的融资暂解燃眉之急。If things get really serious, they may also be able to rely on taxpayers to bail them out with an infusion of capital.

政府的救济只能帮你渡过燃眉之急,而不能为你解决一切问题。The government relief can only help you tide over the most pressing need but can never make everything work out right for you.

重新安排按揭为一些正在支付月供,以及那些房子大概还值抵押贷款的房主解除燃眉之急。Refinancing is available for some people who are up to date on their payments and whose homes are still roughly worth their mortgages.

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有报导说,德国正在考虑通过一家国有银行购买希腊政府债券,以解燃眉之急。There have been reports that Germany is considering buying Greek government bonds through a state-owned bank, as an emergency measure.

一些矿工家庭靠捡矿渣堆中的煤块解燃眉之急,这是一个绝望之举,因为大多数“矿渣”十分危险,极易倒塌。Some mining families resorted to scavenging for coal on slag heaps, a desperate move as most of the "slag" was very dangerous and liable to tip.

②购房发票显示,业主两年前就以此价买进,如今急等钱用,又以此价卖出,一解燃眉之急。Purchase invoices showed that the owners two years ago as a price to buy now urgent, such as money, but also to sell at a meet their urgent needs.

医生建议他只用一半,贴在肩膀上,略微解解燃眉之急,“你现在才刚刚开始。The doctor told him to cut the patch in half and put it on his shoulder, explaining with great urgency, “What you’re experiencing has just started.

首都人民和全国人民将准备点燃眉之急奥运圣火迎接来自世界各地的运动员和运动迷。The people of Beijing, and of the whole country, will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all ovr the world.

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高先生在筹办养猪场的时候苦于没有资金,在一筹莫展之际他草船借箭,号召同事集体出资,最终解了燃眉之急。Gao was troubled that he lacked the funds to start a pig farm. He borrowed strength from his colleagues asking them to pool money and finally solved the problem.

今天我们就为广大伤不起的托福考生搜罗最实用的托福报名策略,以期能为考生朋友们解决燃眉之急。Today we can't afford the injury for the toefl candidates picked up the most practical toefl registration strategies to friends for the examinee immediate needs.

急赈、特赈、工赈、难民接收遣返等多项救济措施,旨在帮助民众解决衣食住行等燃眉之急。Emergency relief, especially relief, work relief, repatriation of refugees made a number of relief measures to help people solve the basic necessities of urgency.