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下达了一条监狱大屠杀的命令。A huge prison battue was ordered.

未等下达她便执行我的每道命令。She anticipated each of my orders.

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然而,法院下达的命令有时候会凌驾于这条规定。Court orders sometimes overrule that.

谁下达弃船的命令?。Who gives the order to abandon ship ?

辛特龙在狂风中大声下达命令。Cintron yelled orders over the squall.

他给人们下达邪恶的指令。He gave all these people these bad rules.

双唇紧抿,嘲笑般的神情似在下达冷酷的命令。And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command

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姜海“先斩后奏”,下达了攻击命令。Jiang Hai acting, given the order to attack.

指示会正确下达的。The instructions would be relayed correctly.

下达后战士热烈响应。The soldiers responded eagerly to the orders.

会后,“自己搞”给咱们下达了任务。After the assembly, you gave us we assignments.

科尼什船长再次下达了停航的命令。Captain Cornish repeated his order to heave to.

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进行总攻击的命令很快下达了。The order to start the general attack soon came.

会后,“公司”给我们下达了任务。After the assembly, they gave us our assignments.

莫拉诺很沮丧的下达了停止交易的命令。Frustrated, Mr. Marano ordered the trades undone.

确认由计划供应部下达的生产计划。To confirm and accept production plans issued by LG.

在这一背景下达·科斯塔创立了弗协调逻辑。In the background da Costa founded paraconsistent logic.

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吉尔贝托甚至能给鳄鱼下达命令,鳄鱼会顺从地完成他的指令。Gilberto even gives the animal commands, which it follows.

完成总经理下达的任务。Performs any other duty as assigned by the General Manager.

默雷取消了下达给罗伊斯和泰伯利特的进攻命令。Murray canceled the attacks to be made by Roise and Taplett.