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他真像个彪形大汉。He looks a real bruiser.

你没看到那些彪形大汉吗?Uh, hello, Did you see those men?

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从犹太人当中蓦地冲出一个彪形大汉。A burly figure bursts from the Jews.

你看到那两个彪形大汉了吗?Did you see those two deltoids over there?

那彪形大汉用刀猛刺卫兵。The big man stabbed at the guard with a dagger.

几个彪形大汉闻讯而至,毫不客气揍了白宙一顿。A few bruiser, even to an irreverent hit Bai Zhou.

他们看到四个彪形大汉走进了酒吧。They saw that four large men marched into the pub.

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简直是理想中的那种扮成姑娘的彪形大汉。She was an ideal market-porter dressed in woman's clothes.

这一次他可什么都不怕了,在他身后有四个彪形大汉在做他的后盾。He feared nothing this time because four huge men stood behind him.

那声音是一个胡子又长、眼神凶狠、长相吓人的彪形大汉所发出来的。It was the voice of a huge and hideous man with a long beard and mean eyes.

在短短十年间,这个小小的新兴市场已经转变为一个可以与美联储主席本·伯兰克交手的的缘政治中的彪形大汉。In just ten years a small emerging market has transformed into a geopolitical bruiser that can go toe-to-toe with Ben Bernanke.

在短短十年间,这个小小的新兴市场已经转变为一个可以与美联储主席本·伯兰克交手的地缘政治中的彪形大汉。In just ten years, a small emerging market has transformed into a geopolitical bruiser that can go toe-to-toe with Ben Bernanke.

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却见五个彪形大汉身着玄衣,蒙面持刀,象五座黑塔,拦住了他们的去路。But see five young tiger form. big fellows wear Xuan dress and receive noodles to hold knife, the elephant is five black towers, blocked their to go to road.

几乎是立刻,一个身穿黑西装,戴着墨镜的彪形大汉挡住了那个胖男人靠近田宏。Almost is immediately, one wears black western dress and wore the youth tiger manner huge fellow of sunglasses to prop up that fat man to near to a farmland great.

智赫前去找夫成哲收钱,可是见到他里面有几个彪形大汉,智赫本想打退堂鼓,没想到反而被夫成哲打了。ZhiHe forward to find a husband ChengZhe accept money, but see him there were a few bruiser, wisdom Hepburn wanted to back down, I didnt think it was beaten by her husband ChengZhe.