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为什么饲养鸵鸟?Why ostriches?

哟,鸵鸟蛋。Wow, ostrich eggs.

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她的名字是鸵鸟郝登思。Her name is Hortense.

由鸵鸟蛋制造。Made from ostrich eggs.

还有一些鸵鸟。And some ostriches as well.

南非人吃鸵鸟。South Africans eat ostrich.

鸵鸟郝登思希望成为他的朋友。Hortense wants to be his friend.

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他们能把鸵鸟毛弄白吗?Can they bleach ostrich feathers?

车行区有袋鼠鸵鸟园等十一个园区。Car dealers area has eleven parks.

这只鸵鸟蛋怎么在这儿?How did this Ostrich egg get here?

看,多神奇的鸵鸟蛋呀!Behold, what miraculous ostrich eggs!

这个巢中有几个鸵鸟蛋?How many ostrich eggs are in this nest?

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先来瞧眼这一只鸵鸟吧。First I took a look-see at this ostrich.

这个巢中有几个鸵鸟蛋?Which nest has one more than 8 ostrich eggs?

刻于鸵鸟蛋壳上的字迹或许改变了这点。The engraved ostrich eggshells may change that.

对鸵鸟皮及成革的组织结构进行了研究。The histological structure of ostrich skin is studied.

一台客户定制的徕卡,外表面覆盖着鸵鸟皮。A custom-made Leica M7 is covered with ostrich leather.

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这没什么,人家鸵鸟夫人的蛋才叫大呢!It's nothing, the Mrs Ostrich's eggs are really very big!

这是平壤附近的一个鸵鸟农场的鸟瞰图。This is an aerial view of an ostrich farm near Pyongyang.

星期一,鸵鸟采了些花作为给女孩的礼物。On Monday the ostrich picked flowers as a present to the girl.