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由学校铜管乐队助兴。School brass band will provide music for entertainment.

随后,男生又助兴,为我们演唱了好几首歌。Later, the boy again christmas-to sing to us several song.

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真是个令人愉快的夜晚,我为了应景助兴说了这么一句话。It was a pleasant evening, I said, conciliating the moment.

人们指责他与一名丹佛男子幽会,期间还服用毒品助兴。He's accused of having drug-fueled trysts with a Denver man.

两个同学此时也开始在海边翩翩起舞给我们助兴。Meanwhile, two classmates danced by the seaside to entertain us.

街头音乐人正聚集起来,为会演作助兴演出。Street musicians have been gathering as part of the festival fringe.

酒令,是酒席上的一种助兴游戏。Drinkers' wager game is a kind of add to the fun games on the banquet.

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在首站郑州的点火仪式上,少林小子将进行武术表演助兴。At the lighting ceremony in Zhengzhou, Shaolin monks performed martial arts.

外国人在吃晚饭前都有喝鸡尾酒的习惯,今晚他们还请了一位男歌手现场歌唱助兴。They had a guy sang live for the cocktails before the party and during the party.

在我们上次举行的一场校友返校赛上,我所有的学生都来了,参加了助兴乐队的演出。At our last homecoming game, all of my students came and played with the pep band.

此举引发了批评,主要是雪喜欢给精彩的比赛助兴。The move sparked criticism, especially as the sport loves to glorify great games in snow.

锦标赛上的助兴节目包括高地舞蹈和万洛克黑德剧社上演的一部剧。Sideshows at the championship include highland dancing and a play by The Wanlockhead Players.

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这一体位能给你们双方不少额外刺激的助兴机会。This position gives both of you the opportunity to stoke each other for a little extra stimulation.

为给旅游者助兴,当地政府还在石林风景区组织放礼花,整个夜空五彩缤纷,使观者目不暇接。In order to entertain the visitors, the local government also sets off fireworks in the Stone Forest.

某地方当局买下它用来焙制一个巨大的馅饼为一年一度交易会助兴。It had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could be baked for an annual fair.

到当地的饭店或者酒吧去看看,你是否能为他们的顾客助兴几个晚上。Visit some local restaurants and bars and see if you can entertain their customers for a few evenings.

观景点备有暖气充足、舒适惬意的小屋,并赠送热饮和小吃,为您观赏北极光助兴。A cozy, heated cabin with hot drinks and snacks makes your northern lights viewing even more enjoyable.

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昨日,美容大王大S来到沈阳,为其代言的天梭表新店开业助兴。Beauty Queen Barbie Hsu arrived in Shenyang yesterday to attend the opening ceremony of new Tissot store.

连耷拉着脑袋的荷叶也抖擞起精神,随风起舞,忙着助兴。With bowed head of the lotus leaf is also Dousou from the spirit of the wind dance , busy add to the fun.

有时候,电台或电视台上的话语仅为一些背景噪声似的东西,语言学上叫着背景助兴音乐。Sometimes, spoken language on the radio or TV is just background noise, the linguistic equivalent of muzak.